Chapter 10

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Bilbo held his breath as he peeked over the rocks at the orc pack just a short distance away from him. He moved very slightly if at all, knowing that if he gave away their location, they would be doomed. His heart dropped as Azog turned his head in his direction, causing the hobbit to drop below the rocks to avoid being seen. After a moment, the pale orc moved on; but that wasn't Bilbo's only worry, as he had heard something to his left and looked over to see a massive bear-like beast. It was a lot closer than the orcs were, but although it was only one creature, Bilbo could tell it would be hard to take down,even with the entire Company – save for the still unconscious Davina – fighting against it.

As soon as he got the chance, Bilbo tore off back down the path that took him to the group he'd left behind. Thorin turned to him as soon as he noticed Bilbo had returned, ending his conversation with Gandalf. He had been asking how long Gandalf thought it would take for Davina towake up – though it had only been a couple of hours, Thorin still worried; especially because he was the reason she was in this situation in the first place.

"How close is the pack?" Dwalin demanded as Bilbo tried to catch hisbreath.

"Too close," the hobbit answered uneasily. "Couple of leagues, no more. But that's not the worst of it."

Gandalf frowned. "Did they see you? They saw you!"

Bilbo shook his head vehemently. "No, that's not it."

"What did I tell you?" Gandalf said to the others with a smug grin. "Quiet as a mouse. Excellent burglar material." The others start voicing their agreements, completely ignoring Bilbo trying to tell them something, and the hobbit's gaze drifted to the head of soft crimson hair in Thorin's arms with a sigh. If Davina was awake, she'd listen to him – and she'd make everyone else listen, too.

"Will you listen – will you just listen?!" Bilbo exclaimed loudly, though he was still careful with the volume of his voice so not as to attract whatever beast was out there. "I'm trying to tell you there is something else out there."

The dwarfs immediately ceased their playful banter and looked at the hobbit,their expressions worried. It didn't help that even Gandalf seemed concerned. "What form did it take?" He asked, though from his tone it was clear that he already knew. "Like a bear?"

Bilbo looked at him curiously. "Y – yes," he admitted. "But bigger, much bigger."

Bofur's eyes widened as he looked at he wizard. "You knew about this beast?" Gandalf ignored him as he turned, walking off a few paces.Bofur swallowed and turned to the others. "I say we double back."

"And be run down by a pack of orcs?" Thorin disagreed; that wasn't an option. If anything, they would have to go against this strange beast and hope for the best.

"There is a house," Gandalf spoke up, turning back to the Company. "It's not far from here, where we might take refuge." He glanced atDavina, who still hadn't stirred. "This beast wouldn't have been a problem if Davina were capable of dealing with it."

Bilbo's eyes boggled. "D – Davina?" He exclaimed. "Little Davina, against that – that thing?"

Gandalf cracked a smile. "You underestimate Davina's pull, dear Bilbo."

Thorin passed off the woman in question to Dwalin, who gladly carried her as he knew Thorin needed a break. "Well, whose house?" He demanded,not liking Gandalf's talk of putting the Viator against whatever massive beast Bilbo had seen. "Are they friend or foe?"

Gandalf paused. He would have said friend, if they had been referring to Davina – but Beorn still wasn't a fan of dwarfs. And even if he had been, he knew how Beorn would take seeing Davina unconscious and being carried by a company of dwarfs; an outsider looking in wouldn't see it for what it truly was, especially one as protective as Beorn."Neither," he answered. "He will help us, or he will kill us."

DAVINA  ⇝ Thorin OakenshieldWhere stories live. Discover now