Chapter 18: Kyle

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Chapter 18: Kyle

Jasper POV

If vampires could die I probably would have dropped dead. Me!! Isla's father?!Married to Bella?! I thought back to all those times how Isla would always be near me or Bella. I had always thought it was odd that she would chose me instead of Rose or Esme or even Char or Peter who she knew.

But me! That always confused me. But now I understood why she seemed so attached to either me or Bella. It also explained why Demlien felt so familiar when we visited and why I was the only one that could go other than Peter and Char.

My head was going hundreds of miles per second. I looked over at Isla and she grinned at me. I smiled.

Bella let out a breath that she probably didn't even realize she had been holding by the looks of it. She gives me a nervous smile. I smile back reassuringly. We look over at everyone else and they looked shocked and speechless. I wouldn't have been surprised if they ran for the hills.

"So The Bond Shield?" I ask.

"Oh, alien thing. It happens when families are in troubled and protect them." She says. I nod.

"Interesting." Says Carlisle.

"Rad!" says Emmett. Bella raises and eyebrow.

"Since when do we speak surfer?" She asks holding in a laugh. Emmett shrugs.

"If I'm the father than how come I didn't know you when we met back months ago?" I ask. She bits her lip.

"When an alien becomes a vampire we can lose our memory but it's very rare."

So when an alien........ wait what?!

"I'm alien?!!!!" She nods.

"Bro, that's rad dude!" Emmett says. We all laugh.

Suddenly Bella curses and tenses and we hear slow clapping. We stop laughing and I feel Isla go just as tense on my back.

"About time you tell them Bella." Someone says darkly. A figure comes out from the dark.

"Kyle." Bella says. 'Kyle' laughs.

"Nice to see you Bella. Long time. No see. Eh?" He laughs. He looks over at me. "Quiet a family you got there. Cowboy. Suits you." He grins. "And how's my dear Isla?"

'Go to hell.' I hear lightly in the back of my head. Bella looks at Isla and smirks. Did she hear that too? Was that Isla?

"Now Isla don't be like that. You should be nice to your Grandpa." I grimace. Great this idiotic baster is one of her grandfathers. How come I never got that memo?

Bella hisses.

"What the hell do you want Kyle? I don't have time for your crappy games." She snaps. Kyle tsks.

"Now Bella dear don't be like that. You should be nice to your elders." He pauses. "Or have you told them?" She hisses again. He shrugs and tilts his head. "Guess not. To bad. They would have really liked to hear it."

"Kyle get on with it before I kill you, not after. What. Do. You. Want?" He grins evilly.

"You know what I want. I want the child. She is more powerful than you and me. She is the one. You know it. I know it. They, don't even know what I'm talking about. Just hand her over and I can leave peacefully."

What?! Was this guy on drugs?? He's insane!

Bella looks at me. I don't like the look in her eyes. Kinda sad look maybe.

'Protect her', I hear in my head. I look at Isla and back at Bella. Who gives a slight nod. Without looking back she says, "Over my dead body."

It all happens so fast it's like slow motion. A light transparent, blue shield surrounds us all. Bella spins around pulling out a sword thing just as Kyle lunges at her.

Through the shield I can see two more people approach. Edward and Alice. I growl quietly. They blur over to Kyle and Bella. Someone screams and I grimace. A girl. We can't see anything now, it's like the shield has a light switch and it's turned off.

Suddenly the shield disappears and we can see outside again. Everything looks the same, the house is still burned and the grass looks like a herd of wild elephants came trampling through. The only thing that's different is Kyle, Edward, and Alice are gone. But so is Bella.

"Mama?" Isla says looking around with a frightened look in her eyes. Lifting her off my back I hold her in my arms and hug her as she cries quietly.

I look over at the rest of my family and feel that they are feeling sad and worried. But I don't need Edward to tell me what they were thinking. Because I know we were all thinking it.

Was Bella still alive? And if she was, where was she?

So Jasper has just found out he's really alien! Ooooooo. So what do you think happened to Bella? Is she still alive? If she is, where is she?? And what still has Bella not told them yet? What will they do now?

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