Chapter 19: You Want Her Back Come And Get Her

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Chapter 19: You Want Her Back, Come And Get Her.

Jasper POV

We ran through the night. We had just said goodbye to Maria who had broken down into sobs when we told her about Bella. Her friend Mady did as well. The rest wished us good luck. We weren't sure where to go or even where to start looking for Bella. We were all pretty much clueless.

We had, had a quick talk before we left. Emmett had suggested maybe going to the Volituri for help because they had Felix who was a pretty good tracker. Emmett was good of course just not as good as Felix.

We thought that was a good a idea but maybe there was something else. Isla disagreed completely. She shook her head violently and said a defiant no. There was something about the way she said it gave me a bad feeling but she wouldn't tell me anything.

So here we were, running faster than the speed of light through the Texas forests. We weren't sure where we were going just as long as it was in or close to Texas. We were sure Bella was still somewhere in Texas and was being tortured by Kyle. I shivered at the thought.

Isla was still awake on my back and had been quiet the whole time since after the talk. This whole thing was confusing me. What had Bella still not told us? What was up with the Volituri and them? What was Isla not telling us? I pondered hard. I didn't realize just how hard until something starts going dun, dun, dun, dun and I jump.

We all stop running and Peter looks at Isla. She grins sheepishly before giving me a phone that's playing Jaws. I realize it to be Bella's.

How'd she end up with this? I also recognize the song from the last time Kyle called. But why would he be calling her cell? He's already got her.

My head was swimming and before I could realize what I was doing I answered the phone.

"What the hell do you want?" I sneer. He tsks.

"If you want your son of a bitch wife back you better listen closely and be nicer." He sounded smug. I wanted to reach through and smack the crap out of him till he turns to ashes.

"I'm listening." Isla growls quietly in my ear.

"Know it all and tomboy know this so they can prove it. I want the child. That's it. Plain and simple. We can make a trade. I give you back the brat and you hand over the child." I'm about to say go to hell but someone beats me to it.

"Go to hell, bitch." Someone yells in the background. Bella! Isla huffs in agreement smiling.

"Now, now Bella would you like to talk to your cowboy?" She growls. "Of course you do. What about you cowboy? Of course you do." We wait before I hear Bella's voice.

"God, I'm going to kill that asshole." Bella grumbles.

"Cussing much these days dear?" I smirk playing along.

"Why of course. I have always been like this. An how's my dear daughter?" Exasperation in her voice.

"She fines." She sighs in relief.

"Don't bring her here. I can get myself out."

"But-" I start.

"Jasper." She growls. I grimace slightly. Mental note, don't get on Bella's bad side. "Listen to me. Don't bring her here. At. All. It's a tri-" I don't get to here the rest because the phone goes dead. But not before I hear a ,"You have three days."

I growl and hang up. I would have thrown it on the ground hard but since it's not mine, and gives Isla something to do I hand it back to her instead.

"What'er we gonna do now Major?" Peter asks. I sigh and shrug.

"Can we track that?" He tilts his head from side to side as a maybe gesture.

'Done.' Isla hands me the phone. Damn that child is smart.

I look at the screen. What the hell?! It shows them to be all the way in Philadelphia. How the heck could they be there already?? I then mentally smack my self. Aliens can teleport. I huff frustrated. It could take a day or two just to get there.

"Where?" Peter asks.

"Philadelphia." He nods and we all start our journey.


We make it there in record time. Well almost we had to make a couple stops along the way for Isla but other than that we ran. A compound is where he was staying. A compound. What is it will evil guys staying at compounds? A lair maybe. But compounds, really?

About half way through the journey it hit me like a slap in the face. What Bella had been saying. It was a trick and we were falling right into it.

Peter had said it was to late now, but since we knew it was a trick we might be able to get around it. With a simple nod and a couple worried looks we had kept on running.

Now here we were waiting to meet our doom. Well I hoped not. I had a life to live, a daughter to teach and play with, and a mate to learn about and love. Cheesy but it's true.

We were hiding in some bushes 50 or so feet away from Kyle's compound, trying, like I said 'trying', to come up with a plan. So far, not so great.

Suddenly Peter stops mid sentence with his argument with Emmett as bushes move and we hear people running. Suddenly Maria and her army emerged from the bushes and they come over to us

"Before anyone asks we came here to help Bella because she's our friend and since little 8ball can't see us we have an advantage because they think it's just going to be you guys." She says as Carlisle starts to open his mouth but shuts it and nods. We all nod with him.

"So what's the plan?" She asks. We shrug. She sighs. "No plan? Geesh, you guys are pathetic." She paces back and forth. Suddenly her faces brightens.

"Alright so here's the plan."

So here we are. What's the plan? Will it work? Or will Bella die and all is lost?

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