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Ok.woah.What?Im confused. No.wait.

Bitchh stfu let me explain for you stupid. So Chloë, Cass, Chase and Oliver know eachother. Chloë used to be friends with Chase and Oliver then she saw Cass in the lake and she was asleep, So she carried her to her house and then they became bestfriends. Chloë then introduced Cass to Chase then they started dating. One day Chloë gets Chase drunk and well she fucked him. So she th-

"You bitch"I growled at her. Then I jumped on her. She started pulling my hair like bitch what are we 5? NO. I started throwing punch after punch after punch. Ok so I was getting tired but like wtf. Ok yea I'm tired as hell. I'm breathing heavily right now. Oh no she's pulling harder. I'm im blacki-. Everything went dark.

"I-I shouldn't be here it was a mistake um"I think Alexis yea Alexis said that.

"It wasn't your fault did you know about this"Cass asked her.

"I did she told me but she didn't give me names"Lexis sighed.

I finally could open my eyes.


I know it wasn't a good time to ask that but hey I'M a hungry lady.

Heyy guys So I just started school BUT I will keep updating on Tuesdays but the chapters might be shorter. The picture above is Josie who is played by the AMAZING BEAUTIFUL Sophie Turner. So thats all


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