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"I am so tired." Oliver says. Ok so yesterday Cass said she was moving in today. We just finished moving her bed well Oliver and Chase did. All Cass and I did was pack her clothes bring the important stuff and put it in her room. All we have to do is decorate it now so we won't have to do it later.

*After her room is finished*

"Oh" I say.

"My" Cass says.

"Gosh!" Chase and Oliver say at the same time.

"I'm sooo tired we deserve a nap guys." I say and they all nod their heads.


"Wake up." "Wake up guys!" I think Chase says.

I yawn and rub my eyes. I look at my phone and see 5 new messages. All from Liam!!!

Liam🙊- heyy xx

Liam🙊- Why aren't you answering?

Liam🙊- I need someone to talk to😩

Liam🙊- It's about Cheryl😒

Liam🙊- pleasee Cass

Oh gosh. Should I answer him.

Yess you dumbass

Me- What happened are you ok?

Liam🙊- No

Me-whats going on?

Liam🙊- I told Cheryl that I text you and she went straight to conclusions and now she think that im cheating on her with you and she left


Liam🙊- i dont know she hasnt really been herself these past few days

Me- i im sorry you should really ask her whats going on

Liam🙊- you have nothing to be sorry about and yea i will

Liam🙊- so whats up?

Me-Im tired as hell we just moved all well the important stuff of my room into a room in my bestfriends apartment im living at her apartment now

Liam🙊- oh wow thats great.

"Cass come help me make lunch!" Josie yells at me.

Me- I have to go ttyl😘✌

Liam🙊- ok byee xx

Heyy guys! How are you? Hope you have a nice day!


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