Chapter 3

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Conner and Jaime groan and fell on top of the couch where Cassie and Zatanna watch them fall on the couch. Zatanna raise a brow while Cassie laugh.

"Service you right for leaving me alone while drug by my pills. " Cassie smirk while looking at her cards.

Zatanna chuckle while Conner groan and Jaime curse in Spanish.

"Anyways how was the search. " Cassie said while looking at Conner and Jaime.

"We found nothing...ughh I never been so tired before. " Jaime groan while pulling a pillow close to his head.

Conner sigh and stood up and stretch his arms.

"Nightwing made us look around Gothman City for these theifs and we found nothing. " Conner sigh and watching Zatanna sigh and give Cassie her card.

"Wow. I feel bad for you two. " Cassie said while smirking at her cards.

Jaime sigh and stood up and went to the fridge to get some juice but ran into Batman. Batman aka Bruce Wayne nod at Jaime and went to the living room with Nightwing behind. Jaime sigh and went to follow them already knowing that their going to have a mission.

~Sirens Mansion~

Ivy smiled while fixing her little tulips with her son help. Bart had Venus on his arm like always and Tim was on the railing watching them work like a curious cat. Venus was waving her leafs side to side while Bart chuckle at her.

"Oh these tulips look beautiful don't they Bart. " Ivy said while dusting her hands.

"Indeed they do mom. " Bart smiled and look up at Tim who was still laying down on the railing.

Ivy smiled and stood up.

"Okay. Since your mother and Tim mother are on a mission. I'll have to keep an eye on both of you. " Ivy said while walking inside their home.

Tim jump off the railing and follow behind Ivy and Bart. Bart nod and watch his mom go inside the kitchen to make food. Tim went to living room and turn the T.V on just to see the news talking.

"And great news. The plant museum had found a rare plant in the mountains and is now in an a exhibit. They are studying the plant and how it works. This plant may be the last of its kind. Let hope that these scientist can save its kind. " the reporter said making Tim raise a brow.

Bart blink and felt his mom put her hand on his shoulder.

"Mom? " Bart said looking at Ivy.

"We need to save that plant. " Ivy said while glaring at the T.V.

Bart and Tim smiled and took off running to their room to change.

"Omg were going to see my mom steal!! " Bart squeal while pulling his shirt off.

"I know. Auntie Ivy doing her work!! Ohhhh I am sooo excited to watch her!! " Tim smiled while grabbing his suit.

Venus was jumping up and down while Bart put his shoes on. He grab Venus who put on Bart's mask on his eyes. Tim was done and they both ran down stair and Ivy was fixing her gloves. Ivy smiled and look up and smile.

"Ready. " Ivy said while putting her hands on her hips.

"Yes!! " Bart smiled while looking at his mom.

"Sure. You forgot your belt and Tim your hat and goggles. " Ivy smirk while holding their stuff in her hands.

Bart and Tim blush and grab the stuff while thanking her. Bart chuckle and fix his belt and watch Tim put his hat on. Ivy nod and walk outside.

"Let's save a family member my boys. " Ivy smirk and walk out with her boys behind.

~Museum of Plants~

Bruce walk next to Dick while watching the computer show the team in position. They were in the bio ship hiding while the team were on look out. Batman told them that the mission was to protect the rare plant from Poison Ivy because Batman knew that she would come. Cassie and Zatanna were on the windows of left side while Conner and Jaime were on the right.

"You think these new villians have connection with Ivy, Catwoman, and Harley. " Dick said while looking at Bruce.

"I believe so. Will have to wait and see if they come with her. " Bruce said while looking at the museum.

A big flower pop out and open up with Ivy, Bart,and Tim inside. Bart smiled and look at Ivy who smiled and kiss Bart's head.

"You getting great at it my son. " Ivy smiled and step down with Tim and Bart behind.

Bart watch his plant go back down and look at Tim who had his goggles on.

"We got a problem Auntie. " Tim said while looking at her.

"I know. The Young Justice team is here. " Ivy hiss while crossing her arms.

Venus growled making Bart pet her softly to calm her down. Ivy nod at Tim who nod back and disappear into the shadow like Selina taught him. Bart groan while Ivy chuckle.

"You'll learn. Now come on. " Ivy said and ran to the left were the girls were at.

Zatanna was looking around while Cassie was fixing her lasso.

"You think she'll come? " Cassie said looking at Zatanna.

"She better. She made me cancel my date with Artemis. " Zatanna said while crossing her arms.

"Oh sorry dear. Let me make it up to you. " Ivy said making Zatanna gasp.

Ivy blew some purple powder at Zatanna making her cough and fall down to the floor out cold. Cassie gasp and growled at Ivy and was about to throw her lasso but gasp when she was stab from behind. She then fainted next to Zatanna. Bart smiled while Venus put her needle away.

"Oh sleeping needles will play Venus. " Ivy clap while petting Bart.

"Yea it was Venus idea. Also you were amazing mom! " Bart said while kissing Venus who purred and hug Bart's cheek.

"I know. Now let's go. " Ivy said while making her vines pull Zatanna and Cassie to a huge bush to hide them in there.

They went to the door and watch it open with a smirking Tim inside.

"You here for the party. " Tim smiled while stepping aside.

"Why yes. " Ivy chuckle and walk inside.

Bruce told Dick to check on everyone and Dick nod. He called up on Jaime and Conner who say that they were still good. Then he check on Zatanna and Cassie but they didn't respond bacj.

"Wonder girl report...Zatanna?? Hello? " Dick said and look at Bruce who glare at the computer.

"There already here! " Batman said and took off.

Ivy watch Tim disabled the alarm and watch the lasers go off. Bart smiled and follow his mother who made her plants go through the vent.

"She so cool! " Bart whisper to Tim who nod.

"I know. " Tim smiled.

They both gasp when the door open with the plant on the other side and applause at Ivy who put her hand on her chest.

"Why thank you. Your to kind. " Ivy smiled and walk in with the children behind.

They found the rare plant inside a test tube and Ivy open it.

"You poor thing. Don't worry Poison Ivy got you. " Ivy smiled while holding the plant. "Sumac the pot. "

Bart nod and took the pot out and went to his mother side and watch her dig up the dirt and put the plant in. Ivy smiled and pet Bart's and Tim's head.

"Let's go home. " Ivy smiled but gasp when the door slam open.

"I don't think so Poison Ivy!! " Batman yelled with Jaime and Conner behind.

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