Chapter 10

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Tim sigh while looking at some pearls inside a Jewelry store.

"Ughhh this isn't fair! " Tim yelled but started coughing.

Bart chuckle and push a cup of water toward Tim.

"Well you need to wait for ten days kitten. Anyways it been 3 days you just need 7 more days until your fully heal. " Bart smiles while taking a bite from his yogurt.

Tim sigh and slam his face on the table. Bart watch as the waiter came to drop the bill and Venus use her vine to grab the guy wallet and Bart wave at the waiter.

"Let's see. Hmmm oh two $50. This will come in handy. " Bart smiled while taking the money out.

Tim watch Bart throw the wallet near the door without no one noticing and high five Venus who chuckle. Tim look up when the waiter ran out looking for his wallet.

"Well like to pay please. " Bart said waving his hand.

The waiter stop looking and went Bart and nod his head. Bart gave the man 5 bucks and Tim got up. They left and soon heard the man crying in horror when he found his wallet empty. Tim laugh while Bart took out the money.
"Here. Now stop being so sad. " Bart said handing Tim 50 dollars to him.

Tim smiled and grab the money and put it in his wallet. Bart put his in his Bag and gave Venus a died fly who ate it happily. Tim was about to say something until he heard familiar laugh. Bart look at Tim who was walking to the park and he follow behind. There Tim saw Connor who was with a hispanic teenager and a blonde girl.

"Ohhh someone found their boyfriend. " Bart chuckle making Tim push his face.

"Shut up. Superboy the only one I'm interest in. " Tim said walking on the parks sidewalk.

"Then why were going in. "Bart smirk making Tim blush.

Tim was about to turn and run but Connor notice him and called his name out.

"Tim. Is that you?! " Connor said running to Tim and Bart.

Bart and Venus laugh while looking at Tim who sigh quietly.

"Oh hey Conner. " Tim said smiling at Conner who smile bad softly.

"What you doing here. I haven't seen you like three days. " Conner smiled while crossing his arms.

Conner was wearing a white muscle shirt with black pants and black bots. Tim blush more and rub his hair.

"Just walking with my brother. You know for fun. "Tim said looking at Conner who smile.

"Cool. I'm here with my friends. Come on. I'll show you them. " Conner smiled and walk back to his friends.

"Quick. We can run for it while he distracted. " Tim said getting ready to run.

"Nope. Come on it'll be fun. " Bart chuckle while dragging Tim. "Anyways. You won't be able to get far with your little fever. "

Tim groan and shook his head. Conner smiled and stood next to his friend.

"This is Jaime and Cassie. Guys this is Tim and his brother. " Conner said looking at Tim softly.

"The name Bart. " Bart smiled looking at Jaime and Cassie.

Jaime smiled softly and Cassie smirk.

"Nice to meet the boy that caught our tough guy eyes. " Cassie said putting her arm around Conner who blush and push Cassie away. Tim blush and look down with his face all red. Bart and Jaime were laughing while Cassie  was nudging Conner.

"Okay stop. Anyways. What you guys been doing. " Jaime chuckle while pushing Cassie.

"Right now were just getting fresh air for Tim who had a high fever but he okay. Still coughing be he still good. " Bart smiled while Tim glare at Bart but then started coughing.

Conner look at Tim worried and went to Tim and handed him hid water bottle. Tim smiled and took the water bottle.

"Thanks. " Tim smiled while taking a drink.

Conner smiled and watch as Bart was busy talking to Jaime and Cassie. Conner look at Tim who sigh and clear his thoat.

Bart look at Tim and smile.

"Anyways. We better get going. We were heading to the amusement park near by. " Tim said making Conner look at Tim.

"Oh hey we were going too. Mind if we join you. " Cassie smirk while shoving Conner closer to Tim.

Bart smiled and grab Cassie arm.

"What a great idea. Let's go! " Bart smiled and walk ahead with Cassie laughing.

Jaime shook his head and look at Conner who was looking at him. Conner raise a brow at Jaime and Jaime shook his head. Jaime interest is Poison Sumac.

Conner laugh and watch Jaime catch up to Cassie and Bart who were talking about him. Conner look at Tim who wad blushing and playing with his hands and Conner smirk. He stick his arm out and smile at Tim.

"Shall we. " Conner smiled nd Tim nod.

Tim wrap his arms around Conner's arm and walk close to him. Conner smiled and follow his friend start toward the amusement park.

Things were looking great for Conner and Tim. Neither of them thinking about Superboy or Catlad just themself and their normal life.

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