Chapter 4

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Ivy growled and pulled Tim and Bart behind her trying to cover her son and nephew.

"Well if it is the Dark Knight himself. " Ivy said coldly while pushing Bart and Tim back.

"Who your new friend Ivy. We all know that you don't have kids. " Bruce said glaring at Ivy.

"Oh believe me Batman he my son. The other one is Catwoman son. " Ivy said while looking at Batman.

Bruce growled and threw his batranges at Ivy making her duck down showing Tim and Bart. Batman eyes went wide when he saw Bart.

"See. He my alright and your not taking him away from me. " Ivy hiss making Bart smile. "Oh where are your manners boys. "

Bart and Tim smirk and nod at Ivy.

"I'm Poison Sumac the son of Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn. " Bart smirk at Jaime who blink.

"I go by Catlad the son of Catwoman. " Tim said winking at Conner who blush.

Batman glare at Ivy who was smiling.

"Who did you steal them from Ivy. " Bruce said making Ivy glare at them.

"I stole nothing. He mine son. Anyways we don't have time for this. Sumac shall we. " Ivy smiled making Bart smile back.

"Yes!! " Bart smiled and put his hand up like Ivy.

Then the plants wrap their vines around Jaime and Conner feet making them stand still. Batman jump up and threw his ranges at Ivy and Bart who gasp and jump back. The vines were already done tying Jaime and Conner so Batman was on his own. Ivy punch Batman who gasp and flew back but land on his feet.

"Boys get going! " Ivy yelled while grabbing both their hands.

"But we can take him! " Tim yelled back.

"NO! Do as I say Catlad! " Ivy said back but gasp when Batman landed in front of them and charge to them.

Ivy made her vines attack Batman who was caught and was fight some plant monsters. Ivy drag Bart and Tim outside but gasp when she saw Nightwing. Tim hiss and got his claws ready but gasp when Wonder girl and Zatanna were behind.

"Ohh your sooo going to get it! " Cassie hiss while grabbing her rope.

Ivy growled and threw seeds at them making them gasp when bushes came out. Ivy ran to the right and made her flower come out.

"MOM!! " Bart gasp when he was caught by Batman rope making Ivy and Tim gasp.

Venus growled and jump off Bart's shoulder and made herself go in the earth crust. Batman had Bart in his arms holding him down.

"Choose Ivy!! Your suppose able son or the plant!! " Batman yelled while Bart was trying to stock Batman.

Ivy smirk and put the pot on the flower.

"How about both!! " Ivy yelled watching Venus grab Bruce from behind making him release Bart letting him kick Bruce back making him fall forward to Venus.

Venus grab Batman leg and threw him back. Wonder girl caught Batman and flew down watching Venus transform back to her regular size and crawled to Bart's shoulder. They were inside Ivy's flower with Tim hugging Bart and glaring at Batman.

"Nice seeing you Batman but we must leave. " Ivy yelled and close her flower disappearing inside the earth crust.

Batman pulled out his tracker that he put on Poison Sumac but sigh in frustration. The tracker was on the floor in front of them. Catlad must have taken the tracker off since he was hugging Poison Sumac. Nightwing cross his arms and look at Bruce.

"Do you actually believe those kids are their children Batman. " Jaime said looking at Batman who sigh.

"Perhaps... Ivy have way of getting what she wants...let go back to HQ. " Batman said and turn around heading to the bio ship.

~Siren's Mansion~

Ivy hug Bart and kiss his face all over while saying sorry to him.

"Oh my poor tulip. I am so sorry. I should have know that Batman would have been there. " Ivy said sadly while hugging Bart.

"But Auntie Ivy why couldn't we taken him. " Tim said while looking at his Auntie.

"You two aren't train yet to go toe to toe with Batman. " Ivy said while putting the rare plant on a counter.

Tim look at Bart who look at him and back to his mother.

"Is he too much mom." Bart said while looking at her.

"Yes. Only Tim mom, me and your mother can handle him. You two aren't ready yet. " Ivy said while petting Venus and feeding her a fly.

Bart smiled and pet Venus who purred and rub her head close to Bart hand.

"Wait!! Did Batman put a tracker o- " Ivy gasp while touching Bart.

"Oh don't worry. I took that off when I saw it on Bart's collar. " Tim said while taking his suit off.

Ivy sigh and smirk at Tim while shaking her head.

"You my dear are truely Selina son. " Ivy chuckle with Bart laughing.

Tim smiled but smirk while putting his muscle shirt on.

"By the way Auntie Ivy. Who was that cutey with the black shirt. " Tim purred while taking his suit fully off.

"Oh that Superboy. Why do you like him. " Ivy smirk while helping Bart take his suit off.

"You can say. " Tim smirk while putting some sweat pants on.

"Oh I like the Blue beetle one. He so adorable. " Bart added in making Tim smile.

"Oh no. I don't want my son going after a hero boy. Sure Tim okay but not you my little tulip. " Ivy said while shaking her finger.

"Ughh mom. " Bart whine while crossing his arms.

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