Chapter 20

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Selina and Tim watch from the right side while Ivy and Harley watch from the left side. Conner and Tim had the middle watching the crew bring in White Fox, E2 Conner, E2 Jaime, Impulse Bart, and Robin Tim.

Conner wanted to jump in and save Tim but he had to keep remembering that this wasn't his Tim. White fox frown when Galaxy was out with Mage next to him. Impulse Bart was looking around for his doppelganger but couldn't find him.

"If your looking for my roses doppelganger Impulse you won't be able too. " Galaxy growled at Impulse Bart not evening knowing that this was the E2 Bart he wanted.

"What do you mean, Galaxy! " White fox hiss while Galaxy chuckle.

"Don't worry he not in harms way. Anyways it was nice seeing you too Blue Beetle or should I say. Jaime Reyes. " Galaxy smirk while E2 Conner, Robin Tim, and Impulse Bart eyes were wide open.

Tim look at their Blue Beetle who eyes were wide too but not E2 Jaime.

"How long. " Jaime ask while Galaxy chuckle.

"When Bart was Poison Sumac in Earth 2. He did scream out your name when I beaten you down. " Galaxy smirk while Ivy and Harley look at each other and at Jaime who was shock.

Galaxy had just reveal Poison Sumac identity and Jaime was shock that Bart. Conner's Boyfriend brother was Poison Sumac.

E2 Jaime nod while Impulse Bart sadly look down in ashamed for revealing his boyfriend secret identity. White fox notice and wrap her tail around him giving him comfort. E2 Conner glare at Galaxy while he walk down stair.

"I bet your wondering why I am in this Earth. Will I can tell you why. " Galaxy smirk while White fox rolled her eyes.

"Save the details. We already know why your here. So you can make Bart's doppelganger fall in love with you so E2 Bart can feel it but guess what he isn't here now is he. " White fox smirk making Galaxy think about his plan and growled.

"You little brat! " Galaxy hiss.

"Wait!! She lies. He is here. " Mage said making Impulse Bart and Robin Tim look at Mage.

White fox look at Mage angrily while E2 Jaime had his eyes wide. Galaxy smirk and wave his hands at the curtains revealing a cage Poison Sumac Bart in over some toxins that gave Poison Ivy her powers.

"Poison Sumac!! " E2 Jaime and E2 Conner shouted.

Poison Sumac Bart gasp while holding on the bars.

"Blue beetle! Superboy! " Poison Sumac smiled at Blue Beetle not knowing it was a doppelganger of his Blue Beetle.

"NOW!! " White fox shouted while ripping the fake rope off.

That when Ivy, Harley, Selina, Tim, Conner, and Catlad jump in. They took down six guards making Galaxy gasp and Mage growl.

"No! It was all a trick!! " Galaxy hiss while summing more guards.

Mage growled and look at Poison Sumac who was still trap inside the cage and smirk. White fox was fighting two guards while Impulse Bart was dashing around hitting each guards. E2 Jaime and E2 Conner were back to back just like Conner and Jaime fighting each guard they could reach. Selina, Ivy, and Harley were beating each person while trying to get to Poison Sumac.

"So I am a hero in your Earth. Boring to be honest. " Catlad Tim said while side kicking a guard.

"Will it isn't that boring. To be honest I use to be Catlad too but I was back to my normal self with my friends help. " Robin Tim said while throwing some robin ranges at the ground, in front of the ground, which then exploded.

Catlad jump over his doppelganger and landed on top of the guard and cross his arms.

"And I am dating that so call hero Superboy. " Catlad Tim growled making Robin Tim pull out his staff and glares at his doppelganger.

"Listen here. Superboy is someone who I choose because I loved him and trust him. Also he is a hero! " Robin Tim growled back and threw his pole straight at Catlad Tim who gasp and duck just to hit the guard, who was about to hit Catlad Tim with a pole, on the face.

"Hey! I could have gotten hit. " Catlad Tim hiss while Robin Tim got his staff back.

"I know you were gonna duck. " Robin Tim said back.

White fox then notice Mage wasn't fighting when Galaxy was summoning more guards. She look around and spotted her running up stairs. She hiss and went after her. Mage took notice and blasted some fire balls at White fox who doge each one. Mage hiss and smirk evilly remembering someone.

"Why don't you fight someone like yourself. " Mage castes a spelled and white powder came out.

"MAGE NO!!! " Galaxy gasp making everyone stop.

Mage smirk when it work but gasp when she was grab by the throat and gasping for air. The hand tighten making her tear up. Galaxy growled and teleported in front of the beast and kick her making her release Mage who started coughing.

White fox watch Galaxy teleport away to up stairs and was holding a coughing Mage. Selina, Ivy, Harley, Tim, Conner, and Jaime were glaring at the person who was looking at them all.

"Well well. What a party. And I wasn't invited sooner. " She chuckle making Poison Sumac Bart glare at her.

White fox was looking at this person in front of her and didn't even flinch when she look at her with a creepy smirk.

"We meet at doppelganger. Or should I call you White fox. " She smirk while Impulse Bart, E2 Jaime, E2 Conner, and Robin Tim eyes wide and look at White fox and back at the doppelganger who was looking at White fox up and down.

"White devil..." Catlad Tim hiss making White devil smirk at Catlad Tim, Selina, Ivy, and Harley.

She look around and saw Bart in a cage and jump on top of the cage making them gasp.

"Hello you weed. What are you doing here? Hanging over some toxins that can kill you or give you powers like your mommy. " White devil smirk making Bart hiss at him.

"Shut it you Devil. " Poison Sumac Bart hiss making her chuckle.

"Ops. " White devil drop the belt that she stole from Mage making Poison Sumac Bart gasp. "Your next beauty. "

She took out her metal nails and broke the chain making Poison Sumac Bart fall in. Ivy and Harley gasp in horror while E2 Jaime look at E2 Impulse worried.

"NOOOOOOO!!!! " everyone scream while White fox glare at White devil laughing.

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