Chapter 1- The New Guy

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Snickers. That's what woke me from my oh-so-wonderful sleep.  In fact, it was probably the best sleep I had had to date.  And I was awoken by snickers.  No, not the candy bar, obviously.  It was the laughs of two similar sounding voices, coming from the crack in my door that alerted me to brace myself, and I was lucky that I did.  Precisely two minutes after my eyes first fluttered, my solid oak door slammed open into my lilac coloured wall, and I was being pinned to my bed by an outrageously awake boy. 

"Get. Off. Of. Me," I groaned, squirming underneath the 170 pounds of pure muscle.  A loud laugh drifted in from my door way, and told me that the lesser evil twin was watching my demise with glee.  They were enjoying this, attempting to awake me for some unknown god for saken reason that I didn't care to hear.

 I was not, in any way, a morning person.  The other four people in my family knew to avoid me if it was before ten o'clock in the morning, especially if I hadn't digested any  for of caffine, but not these two.  I unwillingly opened my eyes to see clear, crystal blue ones staring right back.  With a huge grin across his lips, Teegan slid off of the bed, tugging my nice, warm comforter with it. In the doorway, Lucas was laughing along, arms folded across his wide, bare chest.  These were my two, pesky alarm clocks during the summer, otherwise known as my two older identical twin brothers, Teegan and Lucas.  They were both eighteen, and recent highschool graduates, that would be taking the hearts of more then half of the female population with them when they went to the local college.  The two of them had the same 6"3 frame, with the long, lean bodies that were kickass for most running sports, accompanied with the long blonde hair that they got from Lindy (their mother) and the killer smiles that my father gave them.  The only difference between the two, was their eye colour.  Lucas had bright green eyes, like my father, while Lindy gave Teegan the blue colour. Cole, on the other hand, my 19 year old brother, had the killer black hair, 6"4 frame and bright green eyes, that mirrored the final 23 year old brother, Michael, who was like an older version of Cole.  I guess that doesn't make much sense.  About 17 year ago, Lindy (45) and my father (48) were travelling down the long lonely road of divorce, and my father's new girlfriend, Candy (my mother, unfortunately) got pregnant with me.  Nine monthes later, my father was back with Lindy, and unknowingly, the dad to me.  Candy was basically the worst mother out there.  She attempted to use to lure my dad back to her, but Lindy instead insisted that Daniel file for adoption of me, and she would take me in as her own.  Luckly, my druggy, alcoholic mother wasn't much of a problem in trial, and she basically threw me away when she realized I wasn't worth anything.  Lindy was my mother, in spirit.  She was the most amazing woman to me and her kids, and I was eternally grateful that she didn't mind that I wasn't hers.  They didn't even fight about that fact that he impregnated his girlfriend, instead, as the boys told me, Lindy turned around and said "Alright, well, what happens, happens. We weren't together, so I have no right to be angry.  Just because I was smart enough not to get pregnant, doesn't mean that Candy had the same intelligence, so let's just get over this, and help that poor little girl."I always wanted a daughter". And from then on, I was most definitely home.

An irritating snapping in front of my face brought me back to the present.  Teegan was leaning over me, snapping his fingers in front of my face with a frown.

"Wake UP Lee-Lee, it's time for you to meet the new guy!"  He skipped to my closet and ripped out a pair or jeans, chucking them at my head. 

"What new guy?" I grummbled, sliding off my bed.

"The one that Mom said you had to show around the house.  He's an intern at the law office, and has no where else to go, so mom is letting him move in."

"Oh," I said shortly, stretching my arms above my head with a sigh. "Can't you do it?"

"No," Teegan stated, narrowing his eyes. "It's your turn."

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