Chapter Nineteen: Things Get Steamy

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Analee POV

You know, when I started heading down that passage way, it never once occurred to me that I would end up in here.  I pictured something scary, frightening, probably scarring… And yet, it seemed that those parts came true; only in a different light. 

Mal immediately bolted up from his seat with his eyes narrowed angrily and grabbed my arm, dragging me from the room.  I was beginning to think this had been a bad idea.

“What the hell were you thinking?” Mal cried, the moment my door slammed shut behind me.  He whipped around, eyes blazing.  I could almost see the steam coming out of his ears.  “I thought we had an understanding Analee!”

“I’m sorry, I-”

“And not only do you completely disregard the promise we made, intentionally it seems, but you barge into my office, potentially risking my job if anyone finds out I knew you were out gallivanting through secret passageways!”

“Mal I didn’t mean to-”

“You didn’t even text me!  What if you had gotten hurt? What if you got stuck somewhere?  What if there were traps in this god forsaken house, and you got stuck in one of them, and I couldn’t find you?  What were you planning on doing then Analee?  What was your brilliant idea for that?”

“I- I’m sorry Mal…” I whispered, ducking my head to stare at my shoes.  “I didn’t mean to- I just-”

“That’s just it! You never mean to!  But you succeed in worrying me half to death.  I can’t even go to work without fretting about whether or not I’ll find you safe in your room when I leave!  I can’t focus on my work, I can’t hear what my boss is telling me, and I definitely can’t stop checking my phone wondering if I’m going to get a text telling me to come get you!”  I kept silent, looking everywhere on the floor and refusing to meet his furious gaze.

“Maybe I should just tell your parents-”

“You can’t!” I cried, my head snapping up.  “I didn’t mean to! I really didn’t!  All I did was go to my room, you know the one, and I was looking around and realized there was a hidden door, so I opened it.  And then I thought I would text you if it opened, and then I didn’t think it would be dangerous so I looked down the opening, and then I stepped into it, and then the stairs were rotten so I fell through and I hurt my ankle and my phone had no signal and I was really scared so I started walking and looking for a way out, and then I found the doorway, and I’m really sorry Mal!  I really didn’t mean to this time! Really, I didn’t!  You don’t have to worry about me; I can take care of myself!” I ranted, taking a deep breath before raising my gaze to peer at his bright blue eyes.

“Obviously you can’t if you ended up in that situation in the first place!” he shouted, throwing his hands into the air.  I flinched back from him.

“But I didn’t get hurt! I found my way out!  You can’t tell them Mal, you promised!”

“Our agreement was that you would tell me where you were at all times when exploring.  Hell, I’d feel better if I just knew where you were at all times period.”

“I meant to tell you!  It wasn’t my fault!”

“Why do you have to be so goddamn adventurous? One day, you’re going to get yourself into trouble and I won’t be able to help you!”

“You don’t have to worry Mal, it’s not your job,” I murmured, casting my gaze straight back to my dusty brown shoes.  My mum was going to be so pissed when she saw the mess I probably left throughout the hallways.

“You don’t get it do you?” Mal whispered.  I sensed him stepping forwards, and found myself unable to make my body move back.  “I know it’s not my job to worry about you Analee,” he stated softly, bringing one rough palmed hand to cup my cheek.  I hazarded a glance up, and found that his face was a lot closer than I had originally expected.  His ice blue eyes trapped mine, and my traitorous body refused to glance away.  “I can’t help it Ana, I can’t make myself not worry.  I worry when you go out with friends that you’ll get hurt again, I worry that, that bastard Aiden will hurt you again, I worry that you won’t text me, and will end up hurt or dead somewhere in this house.  Hell, I even worry about whether or not you can sleep at night because of those goddamn nightmares that I know you have.   I worry that you won’t come back to me.”  He sighed, his warm, minty breath washing over my face like a tidal wave that was approaching.  Fast.  Before I knew it, his quivering lips were brushing against mine as he spoke, drawing me in closer as I struggled to understand what he was saying; “I can’t help how I feel Analee.”

And he kissed me.


I didn’t mean to do it.  I don’t think that if she hadn’t come through that hole in the wall, I ever would have done it; but she did, so I did.  I wasn’t a lie, none of it was.  I worried twenty four seven, like a mother hen, only, not exactly in that way.  My feelings weren’t exactly motherly; nor were they particularly safe.  For her at least. 

Lust wasn’t something I was ignorant of, nor was it something I didn’t experience.  When my lips touched Analee’s soft, shaking ones though, I felt a bolt of lust stronger than I had ever felt before.  It took a few moments before she began to respond to my kiss, pressing herself up against me, her hands twining into my hair and giving a few sharp tugs that had me moaning in her mouth.

I licked her lower lip patiently, waiting for her to allow me into her mouth, but she didn’t.  I tried again, with the same response.  I pulled back, ignoring her moan of protest as she tried to pull me back.

“Goddammit, let me in,” I cursed, my voice scratching at my throat.  I ran my mouth down her neck, nipping at the soft skin until I felt her quivering in my arms; then I returned to her mouth.  I heard her soft moan, tasted it as her lips parted enough for me to thrust my tongue into her mouth, and I almost died.  She tasted so good, like a heavenly sweetness, an innocence that most girls didn’t have; an innocence that I was going to take away, whether I planned to or not. 

Analee gasped as I pinned her back against the wall, moaning as I drew her bottom lip into my mouth.  Her hands drifted down from my hair, brushing along my jaw line, and navigating south along my open collared dress shirt.  I may not go to the gym every day, but I am in fairly good shape for someone who spends the better half of the week slouched at a desk.  My own hands drifted down over her hips, brushing along the sides of her thighs until they circled the back of them, and gave a tug upwards.  Analee’s smooth, bare legs slowly lifted to circle my hips, drawing me closer to her soft, heated body.

“What are we doing?” Analee panted, as I carried her towards her bed.  I gently laid her down on the plush yellow comforter, and covered her body with mine.

“I don’t know,” I murmured, softly sucking at the skin on her neck.  The spot I was so fixated on was going to be a hickey soon, of that I was certain.

“But, you don’t like me,” she stated, slowly attempting to draw back from the circle of my arms.  I let her go.  Mistake number one.  “And I don’t like you.”  I didn’t say a word, just stared at her.  Mistake number two.  “Get out,” she breathed, flinging one hand at the door.  When I didn’t move a muscle, just staring at her in disbelief, she raised her voice.  “GET THE HELL OUT!”  Head bowed, I left.

Three strikes, I'm out.

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