Chapter 18 - Did NOT Think This Through

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Analee POV

You know, in hindsight it may have been smart to have followed Mal's advice.. Maybe if I had, I wouldn't be stuck in this awkward situation, surrounded by pitch black darkness and feeling a tiny bit of unfamilliar claustrophobia creeping up...  I huffed to myself and rubbed my head lightly after running into one of the wooden walls that lined the passageway. 

When the wall had opened up,  a long dark corridor of stairs greeted my eyes, and me, being my over curious, adventurous self decided it would be a wonderful idea to step forward without a flashlight.  And without texting Mal; as he has ordered me to do.  Turns out, the staircase that I assumed was stable enough to hold me, was not in fact as strong as it used to be; I plunged through the darkness within the first three stairs. That was when I thought it would be a good idea to text Mal, and wouldn't you know it?  No service.  Goddamn civil times era, never planned for the future; not that I should have expected this to turn out any different than it had.  I was a tad bit more adventerous than the average teenager; a tad bit more spontaneous as well.  

As it was, I was never going to live this down when Mal found me.  He was going to tell my parents about the skull, my house would be torn apart for answers, and I would never get the chance to explore.  This, of course, required Mal actually finding me; he was not the most adventerous person and he had never been in the particular part of the house as of yet. 

This was quite a wonderful situation.

Normally, finding myself in such a situation would not have bothered me whatsoever; however, the experience that I had earlier this morning was weighing on my thoughts gravely, clouding my normal sunny thoughts with ones of death and gruesome bodies.  This combined with the pitch black tunnel, and the lack of knowledge as to where I was, was beyond frightening.

It was safe to say I was quite efficiently freaking myself out, and, as much as I hated to admit it, I was kind of craving another one of those comforting hugs that Mal could wrap me in.  I felt safe when he wrapped those long, muscled arms around me; like the skull was a figment of my imagination, and -

What was I doing?

Mal and I were friends, if even that.  I shouldn't be thinking the kind of thoughts that led me to liking Aiden about the nineteen year old lawyer, at all.  It was crazy, impossible, insane...

It was totally true.

But how did I-


Once again, my head rammed into something solid; presumably a wall.  Only this time, whatever my poor skull slammed into moved.  And a sliver of light emerged from cracks along its side... A door.  I found a door!  I squealed with glee, immediatly shoving my shoulder into the shifting wall until I felt it give once again.  Maybe I would be able to get out of this without having to notify Mal...

No such luck.

As soon as I gave on more firm shove into the door, a blast of light came pouring into the hallway, and surprisingly, so did a blast of noise.  I peaked around the dusty door, feeling the dirt from the ceiling settling in my hair and saw that I was in a room.  Upon further examination, I found myself standing in a very neatly decorated room; one without a spec of dirt excluding the large pile that was trekked out with my feet.  This was an immaculate room, and it had electric lights; there was absolutely no way that this was built in the twentieth century...

A throat was cleared.

I turned, and found myself being watch by three sets of very wide, very shocked eyes.

The big-time lawyer.





It's incredibly short, sorry guys; however, I have an english test tomorrow, as well as a math assignment due.  I just thought you guys deserved an upload of any sort, even if it wasn't as long as you'd wish.  Don't worry though guys!  There will still be a full upload before friday ! (:

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