Chapter 10- Last Friday Night

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Alright. So.  For a moment there, I figured that I wouldn't be able to write anything right now.  My cousin died unexpectedly today, at the age of 46, leaving behind a wife and six young kids.  It was pretty shocking, I was really close to them all, I still am, obviously, but I figured that this is a good way to get my mind off of things.  A little Mal and Analee time would boost my spirits, but don't blame me if this comes out all pissy and full of a few arguements, I'm a little pissed at the world right now.

Without further ado, please keep my cousins wife and kids in your thoughts, and read on !

Analee POV

To say this party was 'hopping' would be an understatement.  A major one.  Samantha and her brother, Jared, were extremely well known in the party circuit, for throwing the best damn parties around, and this was the first one this summer.  Everyone was here, and I mean everyone.   From the girl who never talked to anyone at my school (Usually.  I was the exception to that, along with her few friends) to the group of already drunk off their asses jocks, to the college kids that hung around with Jared, to the random people I recognized from seeing working around town.  It was absolutely crazy, and judging by the clock on the wall, it was-

Wait.  Sorry.  I couldn't catch the time before the football smashed it off of the wall.  Oh well.  It was a really good thing that Jared and Samatha's parents always put away the valuables before a party.  And had killer insurance.  The insurance helped.  A lot. 

I had lost Samantha to the hoards of boys that she was switching between on the dance floor, and new guy to the bedrooms upstairs.  I could care less about the latter though.  I hoped he contracted some sexually transmitted disease with all his sleeping around, he deserved it. 

I sighed and leaned back against the breakfast bar, which was doubling as a drink bar, watching the dancers without interest.  There were a few guys eying me from around the room, but none of them had the balls to approach me.  Shame. 

The pounding music was shaking the house, blasting through the speakers manned by some famous DJ, who looked like a rapper wanna-be, with the bling and the clothes.  I couldn't complain though, the guy could rip it.  The one face that I hoped to see, though, hadn't come around yet.  It was his best friends party, so he should be here.  He being Aiden, my fourth best friend.  He was a freshman at the local college, or, well, was, before the end of this year.  Now he was a second year student.  I'm not sure of the technical term.  Anyways, he was really close with Teegan and Luke, and best friends with Jared.  The shock of white hair that appeared above the crowd caused the wide grin to spread across my face.  He was definitely here.

I slid off of the stool and pushed myself through the dancers, keeping an eye on my boy.  A hand sprung out in my direction, got a firm grip on my wrist, and tugged my out of the crowd.

"Whoa."  I looked up with a bashful smile to see Aiden trailing his eyes from my heels, up to my face. He let out a low whistle before meeting my eyes.  "Someone is out to impress."  I laughed and took my turn, studying his outfit.  He was wearing a pair of washed out jeans, that were loose on his hips, and a tight black wife beater, having more then likely shed his over shirt sometime earlier. 

"You know it," I winked, letting him spin me into his arms for a hug.

"I'm hoping I'm the only one you're out for though, or I'd have to bash some faces in," he murmured into my hair.  I guess I kind of forgot to mention that Aiden was my on again, off again boyfriend.  We were a bit iffy when he went off to college, because I didn't want to hold him back, but he came to my door one day, on his knees, begging for me to reconsider.  No joke.  He was a sweetheart.

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