Chapter 15- Brings A New Meaning To The Word 'Frenemies'

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The first thing I noticed when my dreamworld warped and sent me flying back to the reality of morning, was that my bed was unusually warm today.  And, instead of being fully sprawled out across my bed, free to move, I was pinned down by a feather light weight on my chest.  And my nose was being tickled.

I groaned in annoyance, slowing opening one eye, and peaking down at the head that was resting on my chest.  Her pile of messy blonde hair was sprawled out like a blanket, draped over me, and really irritating my nose.

I batted it away as gentley as I could, worried about waking the girl who was curled against me.  I didn't want to face a fresh round of tears.

Yesterday had been tense, to say the least, with me restraining myself from completely going ballistic on the girls, in fear that I'd hurt someone.  No, I wasn't that incredibly pissed about the alcohol, it was deserved, it was just the added pressure of the case, and the upcoming trip to see the family, and the whole party scene that was building up inside me, and as much as I strongly disliked Analee, she didn't deserve to have to face me like thatI was a force to be reckoned with when I was angry.

Which was exactly how I was feeling once everything from last night came flowing back to me.  Aiden had cheated on her.  That good for nothing bastard.  No, I wasn't exactly friends, to say the least, with Analee, but no girl deserved to have her heart ripped out like that.  From what I could tell by her appearance on the front stoop, she had walked home.  She had walked, over two blocks, alone, at night, with no cell phone.  Not only was that stupid, but that was extremely careless of Aiden.  Not that she would've let him drive her home, but if he had any brains inside that too-big-to-be-real head of his, he would've called someone at the house to let them know she was on her way. 

But he didn't.

Which lead me to the conclusion that he really didn't have any brains.

I was alright with that.

I sighed heavily when I realized that I would have to move eventually.  Marc was expecting me in the office at twelve, seeing as the office was closed for cleaning earlier in the day, and it was ten already.  I still needed to shower, and grab some breakfast. 

But I couldn't bring myself to wake her.

I'd be lying if I said that wasn't the first time I'd ever woken up in bed with a girl.  Or even spent the night with one.  If it was a one night stand, I typically waited for the girl to pass out before grabbing my clothes and sneaking out.  It was weird to realize that this was actually... nice.

I guess seeing Analee broken like this, kind of put things into perspective for me.  She wasn't really that big of a bitch.  Actually, from what I had heard from her brothers, she was a pretty cool chick.  She just had a backbone, which was something that I wasn't used to.  And she didn't like me, which was something way out of my league alone.  No girl had ever resisted me before.  Well, excluding family, obviously, because that's just gross.  And no, I wasn't going to pull the whole cliche player move and go after her.  She did intrigue me, but she wasn't someone I wanted to be on bad terms with anymore -I realized that now- and hitting on her would do just that.

I wanted to be friends.


With a girl. Without fucking her, like, ever.


"I can feel you staring at me."  I felt her lips move against the skin on my bare chest, and suppressed the shiver it sent flying through my senses.

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