Chapter 9- Get This Party Started on Friday Night

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Okay, so, I'm changing her hair colour (Analee's) to white blonde. I'll go back and change that later on, but right now, I can't! Sooo..
Enjoy! :)

Analee POV
There was stomping on the stairs, heading for my room. I probably would have realised that this wasn't a good sign, if I wasn't so pissed off. I had thought that maybe, sometime during the week, I could've convinced my mom to let me leave Malcolm behind. No such luck.

My door slammed open.

"You have a LOT of explaining to do!" A whirlwind of blonde slammed the door shut behind her, shaking the frame. "What do you MEAN you're bringing a guy with you? Why haven't I MET him? Are you two together? Is he hot? Is he a good kisser? Oh my god, are you too... You know... ?"

My best friend stood there, hands planted firmly on her thin hips, and her eyes narrowed on me. Samantha White.

"Are you done?" I asked, raising one eyebrow. Or attempting to. I really just succeeded in raising both and looking like a lunatic. She nodded and shooed her hands, a gesture I knew she meant to say 'continue'. "This isn't willingly, I'm being forced. You haven't met him because he just moved in. Okay, no way in hell, no, and I wouldn't know, and EW SAM!"

She sighed, flicked her platinum blonde hair over her shoulder, and planted her rump on my bed.

"Oh. That's too bad. Any ways, I came here to get you ready for the paaartaaay!" she squealed clapping her hands together.

"You're about ten hours early," I huffed.
"Geez, what crawled up your ass and died?"

"My entire life."

"Stop being so negative," she scolded. "It'll cause premature wrinkles." Okay, so Sam was kind of a girly type girl, maybe even a diva. In other words, the complete opposite as me. But we had been best friends since we were three, and nothing had, or ever could change that little fact.

"So will laughing," I mumbled, planting my head back onto my desk. The party was tonight, obviously, and I was stuck with new guy. Ugh.

"Hey Lee, Mom wanted me to remind you that if you- oh, hi Sam," Teegan stopped mid stride when he noticed my best friend, and swung a curious stare in my direction.

"You opened my door and entered my room because...?"

"Oh! Right! Um... Right, don't 'forget' to bring New Guy, or you lose your internet privileges, and your cell phone, and Sam can't come over for a week." Sam shot me a warning glance at that.

Apparently I was the only observant one in the room, and this had been proven many times. To the untrained eye, the warning glance would seem to be because she didn't want me to get into trouble. My best friend wasn't that nice. She just didn't want to not see Teegan for a week. She had an itty bitty crush on him since, well, diapers. Teegan never noticed. It was ridiculous. I was officially making it my challenge of the summer to force Teegan into seeing that my friend wasn't just a little girl. Who knows, maybe that would stop his man whoring ways. That'd be nice. And impossible.

"The new guy is coming," Samantha said quietly, avoiding meeting Teegan's eyes. Was I REALLY the only one who noticed how much she was blushing? Teegan probably thought she had a fever. He really was clueless like that.

"That's good," he answered, flashing a perfectly straight, white smile at her. She reddened even more, and I cackled evilly in my head. This was just two good. "If you two need anything, you know where I am." With that, he turned to gaze over my best friend before walking out of my room. ...Wait. Hold up. Did he just do what I think he did? Oh my goodness gracious me, he totally did. My older brother just checked Samantha out. NO FREAKING WAY. I smirked. This would be easier then I thought.

"Are you done plotting like an evil genius over there?" Samantha asked, "Because you're really starting to freak me out." I frowned. "And it's time to start doing our NAILS," she squealed, grabbing her bag off the floor.

The things I put up with for her.


This week went by slowly. I avoided Analee all week, not up for the revenge she'd be sure to exact when I had such a heavy case load.

I make a break. After a few phone calls around, I managed to come up with names, and numbers of possible family members. So far though, I was getting answering machines and dial tones. It was possible that once some of them called back, I'd be able to issue the autopsy.

I also had a storyline, for how the night of the murder may have played out. But, again, it was all theories. Nothing was concrete.

Today was friday, the office was closed for the weekend, and I had a party to attend tonight. I wasn't even seriously going to piss Analee off. Well, that was the major reason behind it. But otherwise I needed to just let loose. I was getting periodic headaches, I was getting up hours early, I was drinking enough coffee to satisfy an army, and utmost above all, I was turning away Linda. I hadn't slept with someone since monday, it was THAT bad.

So tonight, I was going out and picking up company. I wasn't planning on coming home, either.

Analee POV

I was bored. Wow, what a way to start an intro. But I seriously was, very, very, VERY bored. It was crazy HOW bored I managed to get once Sam sat me down and started her torture.

It took three hours. THREE HOURS, for her to poke and prod me into perfection. I don't know if I should be insulted that it took so long, or thankful that she seemed to be enjoying it. At least one of us was. When she shoved me into the bathroom holding a scrap of fabric that she 'said' was a dress, I was told not to look in the mirror or she'd kill me.

Then she realised that I would look if she wasn't with me, so she dragged me out before I could sneak a peak, and shoved me in a closet. Damn.

If I thought getting dressed without ruining my hair was difficult in general, try doing so in a closet. A freaking closet.

When I stepped out, she had just finished putting the finishing touches on herself, having done her hair before she started mine. Her hair was in long, pin straight blonde waves, that reached her lower back. The scrap of material SHE called a dress was black, and strapless, ending a few inches above her knees. Well, she looked gorgeous. Teegan was going to shit himself.

"You look so pretty!" Sam cried, grabbing my hand. She dragged me in front of the mirror and forced me to look. I didn't look half bad. I wasn't going to say 'it wasn't me' because when I raised my hand, so did the reflection, but I didn't LOOK like I usually did, that's for sure. Samantha had curled white blonde hair into long, loose ringlets, that drifted half way down my back. The blood red scrap of material was off the shoulder, and ended about six inches above my knees. It was SHORT. And the boys totally weren't going to let me leave the house in it.

"Cool," I smiled, checking myself out again. "But I can't go like this, the boys won't let me."

"Got it covered." She winked and tossed me a long, shapeless bag. As I unfolded it, I noticed it was a skirt. A jean, below the knees shirt. I laughed, recognising it from one of our old elementary school cow girl costumes and tugged it on, throwing a sweater over top. Samantha mimicked me, cursing as the sweater caused her hair to frizz.

"And we are good to go!" I laughed, tugging her from the room. I caught the pair of silver heels that she wailed at my head and skipped down the staircase. Malcolm was waiting at the bottom, leaning on the front door, and turned to survey our outfits in disgust.

"Are you seriously wearing that?" He asked up, scrunching up his nose in distaste. Boy, was he in for a shocker.

"Yeah," I said calmly. "Why, is there something wrong with it?" He shrugged and opened the door.

"You look like an old hag." With that, he walked out the door. I rolled my eyes and made a face at his back, causing Samantha to giggle uncontrollably. My brother's saw us out, nodding in approvement at our outfits. Pheew, we were in the clear.

We made it out into the car, and Malcolm was waiting in his own car. Hmm... A sleek, black mustang. Nice ride, not that I'd ever admit it. He gestured towards the seats, and Sam shoved me towards the passenger seat. Time to get this show on the road!

Malcolm pulled out of the driveway, following the directions that Samantha gave him silently. I sent her a look. We had about five to ten minutes to strip. I started with my sweater, grabbing it and pulling it off my head carefully, as to not ruin my hair. Then, I went for the skirt, tugging it over my waist and down my legs. The car swerved.

"What the hell are you doing?" New guy cried, glancing over at me before straightening the car.

"Her brother's wouldn't let us leave if they saw what we were wearing," Samantha answered calmly. I fixed my heels onto my feet, and opened his mirror to make sure my hair was alright. So far so good.

"Oh," he answered, turning back to the road, but not before taking another quick glance at my outfit, which I pretended to not see.

He was silent the rest of the way there. The case that Marc told me about must be wearing him down more then we thought, not that I cared. He was a judgemental douche bag of a man whore. Not friend material, at ALL. But it was still odd that he didn't make any sort of rude comments all the way there.

When we pulled up in from of Sam's house, the party was in full swing without her. Her brother must have started it. When we passed by, Malcolm rolled down his window to whistle at a group of scantily dressed sluts. The giggled and he winked. Oh yeah, he was definitely back to normal.







Alright, that is all ;)


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