Chapter 13- Vodka Is My Baby

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Something was up.  We had pranked Analee this morning, she's not a morning person, and so she should have still been pissed at me.  But she wasn't.  She freaking smiled.  So she was up to something. 

It was slightly amusing to watch the girls turn Teegan and Luke down.  It was even more amusing to see how pissed they were afterwards, like the world was going to end sometime soon.  Honestly.  They were being ridiculous.

"I think you two need a drink. A strong one," I commented, pushing into my room.  Something felt different when I looked around, but I couldn't put my finger on it, so I shrugged it off, heading for my alcohol cabinet.  The boys collapsed on my bed with two groans in unison. 

"Fuck yes," Luke sighed.  He then shot upwards, with a look of shcok crossing his features. "Victoria never said she wasn't going out with Warren tonight... Did she?"

"No," Teegan muttered into my pillow. "Girls suck."

"Agreed," I laughed, handing them their drinks.  There was something off about the smell of the vodka, but I passed it off as the different juice I put in it this time.  The twins eyed the drink in curiousity, before knocking it back.

And spitting it back up. 

"What the fuck was that?"  Teegan spat, wiping his mouth on his sleeve. 

"Vodka and peach juice.  What, can't handle a little punch to your drink?" I taunted.  Luke raised an eyebrow in my direction, passing me the rest of his drink.

"Why don't you try it and let me know what you think."  I picked it up and downed it with a shrug.

And I almost threw up.

It was absolutely disgusting.

"Did you water down your vodka or something Mal?  Because there wasn't even a taste of it in here."  I grunted, shaking my head, and reaching for my bottle of vodka, giving it another sniff.  Then a taste.


What the fuck?

How did this...


No she didn't.

"Help me over here," I ordered, opening my liquor with a bang, and pulling out the bottles.  Each and every one of them was full of water.  That sneaky little...

"Analee strikes again," Teegan muttered, shaking his head. 

"You guys helped me out.  I don't think she would have just targetted me."

I followed the boys to Teegan's bedroom, running through the same procedure, and finding the same, aggrivating results.  

"Samantha," he grumbled, picking up a sticky note with a smiley face drawn on it, off of one of the bottles. 

"If Victoria touched my alcohol..."  Luke growled, stalking out of Teegan's room.

"It's safe to say that she probably did," I mumbled, following him up the hallway.  He sent me an angry glare and stomped into his room.  I barely dodged the bottle of gin that came flailing across the room, slamming into the wall above my head.  The smell wasn't right though.  It was definitely water.

Outside of the room, Lindy paused at his door and glanced at the broken bottle of water with a sigh.

"I'm not getting involved," she stated, turning on her heel and heading back the way she came.

The filled our alcohol bottles with water.

They dumped our alcohol somewhere, probably down the sink, because I doubted they would've thought to keep it.

That pissed me off.  This stuff was expensive! 

They were so dead.


Sorry, it's so short, but I uploaded two other chapters, and this was where I wanted this one to end, so don't be angry !

Please Comment, I want feedback before I do too much on this story.

Lotsa love !


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