Chapter 14- One Of Those Get Down, Not A Sound, Shit Filled Nights

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Analee POV

It was crazy how angry those boys could get.  It was just alcohol.  Of course, I made the mistake of voicing that opinion, and was verbally torn apart by my brothers.  Viciously.  After that, I just kept my mouth shut.  And avoided Mal's furious glare.  It's not like they didn't deserve this!  They totally had this coming.  Again, made the mistake of voicing that opinion.  I decided afterwards that I was never going to say a word to my brothers when they were in this mood.  They were absouletly psychotic.

Victoria and Samantha were seated to my left and right, both in identical poses of boredom as they watched my brothers tear at them.  I don't think they realized how much poop they were getting themselves into by yelling at us.  Yes, I said 'poop'.  Someone had so kindly mentioned to me *coughcoughVictoriacough* that I swore way to much, and then made a bet that I couldn't not swear for three whole days.  It started out as a week, but I weasled it down to just three, because a week was a hopeless cause.  I don't really think I could last even a day.  But I was trying. 

All this had been worked out between the time the boys came home, and the time they found their alcohol, or rather, lack there of. 

Then they came a-screaming.

Stupid poop-heads.


It doesn't sound the same.

But anyways, the boys had taken a lapse in freaking out, to breathe, or rather, to pant.  They collapsed on the couches surrounding us.

"We will never forgive you,"  Teegan growled, narrowing his eyes dangerously.  Luke nodded his head in agreement. Dumb, dumb boys.

"Okay," Samantha smiled, standing and shrugging her shoulders.  Victoria mimicked her sweet smile, and the two of them raised a brow at me.

"You ready to bounce?" Victoria asked, once I stood alongside them.  I nodded, hoping that I could get out of here before my Mother found the riot we had caused.  Then we'd be up shit-creek without a paddle.  Oh sh- I mean, oh pooper!  I swore.  Don't tell Victoria. Please.  The consequence of losing was too grave to even consider. I shuddered at the thought.

"I'm good and ready," I smirked, grabbing my house keys.  We left two stunned boys sitting on the couch, staring hopelessly after their girl friends, and one furious boy glaring me down.  If his eyes could shoot daggers, I would be so dead right now.

"You sould thank us!" I called on my way out.  "Alcoholism is very dangerous.  We could have just saved your lives!"  I slammed the door shut behind me, effectively cutting off their shouts of protest.


Boys were really dumb.  They seriously thought that we would just sit there the entire time, and listen to them whine.  My mom wouldn't even do that, and she's their mom too!

The rings of my girls cell phones alerted me that they were being texted, and when my own blackberry vibrated, I pulled it out to see the name 'Aiden' scrawled across the front.

Hey babe, party @ my place? xx

Hmm... That didn't sound so bad.  When I announced the idea to Sam and Vic, they seemed just as, if not more so, thrilled with the idea of another party.

Sounds good Aid.  I'll c u l8r then? (:

He responded in seconds.

Absolutely beautiful. I love you. xx

This was always where our conversations got awkward.  He was constantly reminding me that he loved me, expecting to hear it back each and every time, but I wasn't there yet.  I couldn't honestly say I loved him.  I was very close, yes, but I wasn't in love with him.

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