Chapter 12- The Concept Of A Battle

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Analee POV

This was crazy.  Absoutely psychoticy.  Ridiculous.  Nuts.  Stupid.  I could think of a lot of other decriptions for how deranged it was that we couldn't sleep.  We were both scared out of our wits at those horror movies, and we couldn't freaking sleep.  It was horrible.  Once Paranormal Activity had ended, the boys were already passed out all around the room, so they weren't much help. 

"Why don't we put on a few more movies or something to calm down," Samantha suggested, from the cocoon of my brothers arms.  I smirked at her, and raised one brow, looking pointedly his arms.  She blushed.  Bright red.  I don't think I've ever seen someone turn that colour, but it was frikken hillarious.

"Sure..."  I grabbed the remote from the coffee table and switched the satellite on, flipping to a boring looking chick flick before I turned back to her with a curious expression.  "So... what exactly happened in my bedroom?"  It took a little bit more prodding before she launched into her tale of romance.  I told her to skip the disgusting details, because frankly, ew,  couldn't deal with the thoughts of my brother being all smoochy with my best friend.  Apparently, long story short, he came in, gave her breakfast, massaged her aching head, she kissed him.  One thing led to another, and the birds and the bees speech ended up coming in handy.  To put it bluntly, they had sex.  In my freaking room.  If it wasn't so nauseatingly cute, I'd be beyond pissed.  Okay, I was pissed, and disgusted, because now my bedroom was tainted.  I had it planned out in the back of my mind to move my bedroom, and to give the existing one to Samantha.  That way, her and Teegan could have their alone time in a room that hadn't been tainted by all of my brothers on top of her boyfriend.  

Don't think I'm being nice.  I was getting the bedroom off my hands.  I wouldn't be able to stay there ever again without throwing up.  Her and Teegan wasn't a sight I wanted to see.  But hey, now at least one of my four brothers was tied down.  I only had three left!  I spent the rest of the night talking to her about how to hook up our other best friend, Victoria, with Luke.  If I could manage to set them all up, then I'd be lucky enough to know for certain that I wouldn't have to hate their girlfriends.  Selfish, maybe, but it wasn't like Luke didn't like Victoria.  He practically fell over his own feet for her, his friend with benifits.  Disgusting, yes, but they had been best friends before she was my best friend, and just recently started to spontaneously hook up. 

Samantha and I weren't too impressed with Luke, seeing as they never came to an agreement of what they were, so we just assumed they were benifited with eachother.  He was a jerk.  And he was going to ask her out before I kicked his ass.

By the time we finished talking, we were both dozing off.  We passed out at the end of the second movie, mid conversation.


My internal clock woke me up around six o'clock, alerting me that it was time to go get ready for work.  I was accompanying Marc to the courthouse today, to watch him work a case as the defence.  He thought that by coming, I would learn to expect what was coming for me, as well as giving me an inside look on the case he had been struggling over for the last few monthes. 

I quick glance at the couch showed that the twins were awake and rising as well, laying a sleeping Samantha and Analee out on the couch. 

"A case," I mouthed at their curious expressions.  They nodded, and proceeded to stand up from the couch, heading for the kitchen.

"We have rowing," Teegan stated, grabbing the bread from the fridge and popping four pieces into the toaster.  "Our coach is going to kill us today.  We missed practice last night."

"You'd think she would realise by now that we miss every first saturday of the month," Luke muttered, grabbing the butter and peanut butter from their respected places.  It was interesting to watch them work.  It was like they shared a brain, which being twins, shouldn't surprise me.   Luke worked on spreading peanut butter on the toast, while Teegan buttered the other two slices.  They stuck them together and Luke cut the whole wheat sandwiches in half while Teegan filled two glasses of orange juice.

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