Chapter 11- I'm All Knowing

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Analee POV

It had been thirteen hours.  Thirteen, short, tramatizing hours in which I tossed and turned, drifting in and out of sleep.  This was starting to get impossible.  Samantha was knocked out beside me, sprawled over two thirds of the bed, snoring like a beast.  It would be horrifying if I wasn't so used to it.

I slipped out of the bed with a moan, clamping my eyes shut in reflex when the sunlight blinded me.  This action, of course, then caused me to trip over the pair of heels that Samantha had half heartedly thrown across the room, and crash onto the floor.  Well ouch.  That hurt like a bitch.

I pushed myself up onto my feet with a heavy sigh.  The loud noise that my fall had produced hadn't even stirred the girl.  Ridiculous.  Her ability to sleep through aboslutely anything, and I mean anything was something that I totally envied about her.  It just wasn't fair that I had to be cursed with the ability to hear everything when I was asleep.  I couldn't even sleep if there was a clock ticking in my room, it was that bad.

The fact that I could here video games playing down the hallway, in the games room, alerted me that the boys were up.  I wonder if Mal was there... Hmm... That way I can give him a sober piece of my mind, and hopefully a migraine. 

The door to the games room was about six doors down the hallway, towards the kitchen.  When I paused in front of the door, I heard the voices of a few other boys, meaning Teegan and Luke probably had friends over.  Cole and Michael's friends wouldn't even be awake at this time in the morning.  Then the realization that I must look like hell hit me.  I wasn't walking in there with makeup smeared down my face, even if I didn't like any of those boys. 

I sprinted quickly down the hall to the 'public' bathroom, and slammed the door shut behind me, wincing as I saw my reflection in the mirror above the sink. Shit.

I looked like a bulldozer had run me over, and then decided I wasn't totalled enough, so he backed over me again.  My once curled hair was sticking up in tuffs and plastered to one side of my face.  My mascara, although waterproof, was smudged all the way down my cheek. I looked like the corpse bride, and I definitely could not pull it off.  Yuck.

It took me about fifteen minutes to tie my hair back into a messy bun, and scrub my face clean of any remaining makeup.  Damn stuff.  Now I knew why makeup remover was such a necessity for some people.  If you wore a lot of makeup, it hurt like hell to take off with just water.

Once I was finished, I turned and skipped back to the games room, ripping open the door, and stepping onto the plush black carpet that covered the floor.

Teegan and Luke were wrestling over a game controller, rolling around on the floor in front of our 100 inch flat screen tv, while two other boys were straining to see over them while guiding their controllers.  Mario Cart.  Of course.  These boys were like four year olds. 

I recognized the back of Jakes head, as he tried to seperate the fighting twins, just before he was drawn into the wrestling match.  He was doomed.  The twins turned on him, pinning him to the ground.  He should have known to never get involved with the twins arguements, they were the devil incarnates.  Teegan sat atop Jake's stomach as he struggled, and pinned him down as Luke pulled a marker from his back pocket.  Probably black, and probably permanant. 

Oh man, as hillarious as this was to watch, I should probably save him before they kill his pride.

"BOYS! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!" I shouted, twisting my voice to sound like our mother.  Apperantly, it was pretty damn convincing, because every boy in the room froze immediatly, and turned to face each other wide eyed.  I had to smother my laughter when Teegan and Luke jumped off of Jake, helping him up before they could do any serious damage.

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