Chapter 5- The Arguement Within

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unedited ! I apologize ! READ, comment, vote, enjoy ! <3


After the janitors closet episode was over, I rolled out of the bed, pulling on my jeans and dress shirt, shoving my shoes back on, and slipping out of the room.  Glancing at my watch, I realized I had about ten minutes left of lunch.  About enough time to run out and grab a coffee, if I ran.  And didn't get lost.  I sighed heavily and made my way in the opposite direction of the office.  About a couple hundred meters down the hall, the smell of cooking food drifted into my nose.  I took a few deep sniffs, and turned to follow the scent down another hallway.  I passed the room I remembered as Annies.  Wait... Annie? Aimee? Ainee? Analee? That was it, Analee.  It didn't really matter.  I was hoping that today would be the last day I had such an unfortunate run in with the girl.  No run ins with her at all would be cool too. 

The aroma of the food I pin pointed as spaggehti led me into a large, spacious marble and tile, black and white kitchen.  The woman I had met erlier, when I had first come to the house this morning, Lindy, I believe, was standing in front of the stove.  I was so distracted by the food she was cooking in front of her, that I almost missed the petite, black haired woman sitting on the counter to my left. Analee. Great. Please note sarcasm.

"Oh! Hello Malcolm!" Lindy spun to face me with a wide smile.  She was a rather beautiful woman, for someone who was nearing her fifties.  I couldn't see the resemblance between the two of them, actually, which was surprising.  They couldn't be more different.  Analee was trim, tall and athletic looking, with long black hair and purple eyes, while Lindy was shorter, blonder, with bright blue eyes.  Come to think of it, I think it was mentioned in the office that she wasn't Lindy's real daughter. Hmm. Interesting.

"Hello? Anyone in there?" I snatched the pale hand that was waving in my face and tossed it away immediatly.

"I'm very sorry, I'm just tired." And hungry, I added silently, gazing at the pot on the oven in sadness.  Before I knew it, Lindy was shoving me towards the large oak table, and placing a plate of food in front of me.  I inhaled, feeling my stomach grumble, and reached for the silverware.

"What, no thank you?"  The smug voice came from behind my shoulder, and I looked up to see Analee smirking at me.  I shrugged.

"Oh, don't bother the poor boy Analee, he's had a long day.  I'm going to give George a call and ask him to give Malcolm the rest of the day off to get situated.  That is, of course, if you approve.  Malcolm?"  I nodded with a mouth stuffed with food, and swallowed in one giant gulp.

"That would be much appreciated ma'am."  She smiled and waved, swooping out the room, humming as she went.  I returned to devouring my meal, attempting to ignore the piercing eyes that were trained on the back of my skull.

"You know, no matter how hard you stare, daggers aren't going to magically come and kill me."

"Thanks for the heads up," she growled.  I could hear her footfalls coming towards me and I smirked, scarping the last bits off my plate.  I knew she couldn't resist me.

"Hey babe, I'm free for the afternoon, you wanna help me break in me room?" I asked, turning to wink at her.  She glared at me, and before I could catch what was going on, her hand snapped out and met my cheek forcefully.

"Not only have you ruined my morning, but because of your idiocy, I have to spend the rest of the day with you."

"I like you, you're fiesty."

"I don't like you, you're a jerk."

"Hm, well this jerk gets to spend the rest of the afternoon with you babe, so smile.  Most girls would kill to be in your spot."

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