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Victoria's outfit !

Victoria's outfit !

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Victoria POV

"Vicki come on we're gonna be late!" I heard Vince call from outside of my door.

"The show doesn't start for 2 and a half hours Vincent." I called back.

He opened my door and walked in, "We have to go right now or we're gonna be waiting in line forever. Come on." He said.

I rolled my eyes, "You're lucky I got ready already." I said.

I grabbed my phone and purse then followed him out of my house.

I pulled my phone out and texted Ivan letting him know I was going to take Vince to RAW.

I won the last fight I had so he was pretty happy with me and had no problems with it when I told him about going.

I managed to get us front row seats and backstage passes. When I told Vince he flipped shit. He was so happy and now he's dragging me to the car like a 10 year old.

We got in the car and drove to the arena.

He wouldn't stop talking about someone named Finn Bálor, I obviously have no idea who he is except that he is Vince's favorite wrestler.

We walked in the arena and got in line to go to our seats. Once they showed us where our seats were we sat down.

I sat and watched as the arena filled up with people that were carrying signs and had on T shirts for the wrestlers.

I wonder what it's like to be a wrestler.

I watched as the wrestlers flooded the stage. Half of them wearing red t shirts that said RAW and the other half wearing blue t shirts that said Smackdown Live!

"Vicki look! There goes Finn Bálor right there!" Vince told me as he pointed to someone on the RAW side.

I nodded acting like I was interested but I really wasn't.

"Style and grace
I'm never gonna be done
Move on in
Now welcome to the Queendom!"

Stephanie McMahon and Mick Foley walked out. Mick Foley was wrestling when I was a kid so I remember him and so was Stephanie.

"That's Mick Foley and Stephanie McMahon. They run RAW." Vince told me.

"I know." I laughed.

They got into the ring and talked about the ratings their show has gotten.

"Here comes the money!"

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