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In the last chapter of this story there was a part of it that contained domestic abuse.

Now I do not condone nor do I support DV, as I'm sure no one reading does, but I write this as education in a way.

As yulissaloveee pointed out to me there are a lot of warning signs that some people don't catch. She caught it in my writing even though I didn't necessarily intend for it to be there.

What I'm about to talk about is from my own experience and from I've seen from the people I'm surrounded by, used in this story's context.

- Victoria acts like she's not scared of Ivan in this story, and sometimes she really isn't. Even though she is a trained MMA fighter and could easily protect herself, she usually can't bring herself to because she has accepted that he is the stronger of the pair. A lot of people try to look strong in front of people and make it seem like they could never be a victim because they're so "bad ass" or whatever they may say, but mental abuse ties into physical and it hurts just as much, if not more. Once you finally start believing what's being said to you, your feelings of confidence and worth for yourself goes away and that person can manipulate you in so many different ways.

For example, if you start believing someone you care about when they tell you you're not beautiful, you would do everything in your power to change until they think otherwise. You start to hate everything about yourself and want everything to change because of that one persons mental abusiveness.

- Victoria tells everyone that the bruises he's caused doesn't hurt her and that she's felt worst. I find this really common. They try to downplay what happened to make it seem like it was no big deal.

When someone says "I'm fine" it's almost never true.

- Victoria immediately covers for Ivan when Finn and Isaiah want to call the cops. She's most likely not scared of what he's gonna do to her because he has most likely done everything he could have in the time they were together. It probably goes back to the manipulation. She finds covering it up is better, whether it's because he made her believe it will embarrass her as a "strong, independent woman who nobody can mess with" or because he will make everyone turn against her like he did with their crew.

- Victoria doesn't want to go back to Isaiahs house because she's scared of what will happen to him if Ivan knows where he lives, and  "If you say anything you and your family are gonna get it." What I love about writing Victoria's character is the fact that she loves everyone around her unconditionally. She cares about everyone's well being and part of that comes from because Ivan never cared about hers and virtually never loved her like he says he did. I can always see that in her character all she wants to do is protect people, which is why she left Underground, and why she returned for that one night only fight.

It was all to protect someone else because she's scared of what will happen to them.

That's another reason I've seen people just endure the pain themselves so that no one else will have to.

Domestic Violence is not okay.

From Now on I'm going to be writing this story keeping domestic violence victims in mind. I want everyone to know that there are people in the world who do care and that you can get help from.

If you are or if you know someone who is going through DV or Child abuse whether it's sexual, physical, or emotional/mental, search up a National Hotline or a local hotline and talk to someone. Or if you don't want to do that talk to someone you absolutely trust. Maybe your best friend, or your parents, or maybe a teacher, a sports coach, a sibling, anyone you trust. Just Talk to someone. Hell talk to me if you need to. I can't guarantee that I can help you but I can guarantee that I'll listen and if no one else believes you I will.

This is a serious matter and it's unfortunately really common here in the States.

If you read through this whole thing thank you so much and I love you.

- Lyssa  💜

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