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Victoria POV

"What the hell do you mean you have an audition for WWE?!" Ivan yelled at me. "Who the hell told you you could go and try to get a job?! Now everyone's gonna think that I don't take care of you when you know damn well I do." He snapped.

I rolled my eyes, "Why does everything have to be about you? This is something I thought about doing since I was a little kid Ivan. It has nothing to do with you."

"Nothing to do with me?!" He asked then pulled roughly towards him. "Do you know how much money I will be losing if you go straight huh? You're basically spitting in my face! I put my neck out for you." He whispered harshly.

"I'll still make money doing it Ivan. AND its legal! If we get caught, YOU'RE not gonna go to jail, I AM! So I don't want to do it anymore!" I said.

I moved to walk around him.

He yanked me back by my hair and slammed me into the wall.

I winced in pain as he placed his hand on my throat.

"I thought I told you that you're not to do anything without telling me first!" He yelled.

"Lower your voice my brother is downstairs!" I snapped.

"You think I give a flying fuck?!" He asked stepping into my face.

"I give a fuck Ivan! Stop fucking yelling at me when my brother's here!" I raised my voice a little.

He looked at me like I was crazy then chuckled before taking a deep breath, "You just love to rile me up don't you? Acting like you're the hottest shit out here! Get the fuck out of my face!" He said pushing me to the ground in front of the door.

"If I'm not the hottest shit out here what the fuck are you doing here?!" I snapped as I stood up.

"Do you really think I won't kick your ass because your bitch ass little brother's here? Huh Vicki?! You watch who you're fucking talking to." He growled.

"You think I'm scared of you Ivan?! I'm not like the little whores you be running around with when I not around. You need me! Don't try to act like it's not true either!" I snapped at him.

"Need you?!?!" He laughed. "I don't fucking need you bitch. I could have any female in this whole city! Ones that won't keep running their mouth!" He said.

"Good! Find one who'll put up with your bullshit longer than I have!" I said before turning around to walk out the room and slamming the door.

I rushed downstairs and opened the closet where I kept my 'in case I need to leave' suitcase.

I heard him yelling from the top of the stairs and rushed to Vince.

He had his bags in front of him already and I gestured for him to go outside.

I walked into the kitchen to get my keys then turned to run outside.

I slammed the front door and got into the car after throwing my suitcase in the trunk.

I hurried out of the drive way then drove away.

"Why did you let him treat you like that?" Vince asked me after five minutes of driving in silence.

I sighed, "You won't understand Vince. But don't worry, we won't be seeing him anymore that's for damn sure." I said.

At least I hope we won't.


WWE Performance Center
Orlando, FL

"Now that's what I call a woman who can take a beating!" Matt Bloom, the head trainer in developmental, cheered after having me slammed over what felt like a hundred times.

Treat Me Like Somebody ( Finn Bálor )Where stories live. Discover now