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Victoria POV

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked Pedro with a glare as I walked into the Performance Center seeing that he was here.

He glared back, "Isaiah made me quit the crew, and now he won't let me out of his sight. All thanks to you." He said.

"Ivan was probably happy about that, being you're the only one in the crew who loses fights." I said, walking past him. "And maybe if you all would've let me disappear then this wouldn't have happened."

I heard his footsteps following me, "I lost one fucking fight Vicki! One fight! And You should've never left in the first place." He spat quietly, following me.

"One fight, and half a million dollars Pedro. You know that's all he cares about. And for your information, I left because I was tired of Ivan treating me like a piece of shit. You should've left too, he never even treated you like a human being. He made you do all his dirty work just so if something went wrong he wouldn't get caught.. but here you are. Still defending him when he couldn't give a fuck if you live or die." I told him.

"Ivan took me into his family, when my family told me I wasn't gonna be shit. You took me in as family! And then you left." He said.

"I always saw you as my family, I saw all of you as family. You didn't see me as family though, I realized that when Ivan beat my ass in front of all of you and you did nothing. He could've killed me and you would've let him. That's not family Pedro and you know it." I said.

"What did you expect us to do Vicki? If we stepped in he would've turned on us. We couldn't risk getting onto his bad side." He said, his face seeming to soften at my words.

"I would've taken at least one of you being a decent fucking person and at least telling him to stop." I said, as I got to the empty ring on the far side of the room.

"So you left because what? We didn't want to get hurt?" He asked me.

"I left because I didn't want to get hurt anymore. Ivan didn't just beat my ass that day Pedro. It happened almost everyday for 2 years. It even happened after I left. Isaiah walked into my house while it was happening and heard me screaming. He had to break down my door while Ivan jumped out the window. I knew Isaiah for like 7 months Pedro, and he came to help me. You all knew me for years and didn't. That's what I care about, and that's who I'll protect even if it means something happens to me." I spat as I sat down to stretch.

"Isaiah is my brother Vicki, do you think that I don't want to protect him? Because of you he has a mark on his head from Ivan because he thinks you were fucking him. Isaiah has no part in this! Nothing's gonna happen to him because of you. I'm going to protect him and the rest of my family no matter what the cost. If I have to give you up to the Head of Underground, if I have to let Ivan get to you, hell if I have to kill you myself to ensure that they are protected, I will." He said.

I stood up to face him, "Do you think after what Zay did for me that I would let anything happen to him? You obviously don't know me Pedro. If I have to give up myself to protect him I will! If I have to get hurt to make sure he doesn't, I will but trust me when I say I'm not gonna go down without a fight." I said.

"That's just like you. Always having to fight everything just to prove a fucking point. Why can't you just worry about someone but yourself for once?"

"Because if I don't worry about me, no one will." I spat at him. "You don't have the crew to back you no more Pedro. Nows the time for you to worry about yourself."

He glared at me before we heard Isaiah yell my name, "Yeah?" I called back .

"Is he bothering you?" He asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2018 ⏰

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