Chapter 2. "Dont burn down my apartment"

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Chapter 2


I slid shut the glass door of the shop shut with a loud thud

“Jesus Danny, Why did you have to agree to this?” I screamed, pressing my back against the thudding door

“Doing a favor for a friend” he replied, slipping a CD into machine and turning up the volume

Good Night blasted through the speakers and the fan girls outside went nuts, banging on the glass, screaming louder than before

“Damn it!” I growled, stepping away from the glass “Danny help me pull the covers down”

Danny ran over and grabbed the hook and stick from me, pulling down the metal slide that shielded us from the eyes of the screaming girls

“Call Security” I gasped

He nodded “Okay”

Danny head around to the counter and picked up the center phone, asking for more security to control the girls

“It’s noisy out there, ain’t it” I looked over at Reece who had just come through the store room

His brown hair was long cut down the side of his face; he wore similar black jeans, combat boots and a loose, dark purple shirt

“You aren’t making it any quieter” I muttered

He smiled and pulled a stool out from behind the counter and set in the corner of the store that we had cleared for the performance

“They’ll be quiet when I sing and then you can go back to your work”

“Of cleaning up after thousands of girls, making them leave the store after you perform and possible get a million death threats and stomped on by heels” I turned to the stereo and changed the song  “That’ll be fun”

He chuckled as Paradise City sung through the speakers, you could hear a chorus of girls outside scream and sing along

I scoffed

“What’s wrong now?” he asked raising an eyebrow at me

I walked around the counter and looked back at him, his 17 year old form leaning over the glass counter with an intrigued look  “Nothing”

It was his turn to scoff “Now, now, you don’t really like talking to me do you?”

I gave him a flat look “No, It’s a complete bundle of joy, I get to have a conversation with the one and only Reece Mastin” I batted my eyelashes and pretended to faint in a girly manner

He laughed, dimples forming on the corners of his lips and clapped at my acting “Bravo”

I rolled my eyes and started typing on the computer

“But seriously” he continued “What are you annoyed about now?”

“Besides you?”

He smirked “Besides me”

“Them” I said pointing to the closed doors

“My fans?”

I nodded “There not annoying me as such, but I find it unnerving that half of them could even tell me who sung Paradise City in the first place”

He nodded “I understand”

“Do you?”

“Completely, I want my Little Rockers to be exactly that, Rockers, I want to be able to teach them about great music, rock music, I want to be a rock legend and hopefully if I can become that, I’ll be opening them up to a whole lot of new music”

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