Chapter 28. A Phonecall from Rick

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"Here" sighed Sam setting a tall foam coffee cup on the table before sliding into the booth opposite me

"Thanks" I nodded, taking it and slowly raising it to my lips

Sam did the same

"We need to talk" he muttered, slamming his cup down

I nodded

"We have to tell Reece" he sighed, grabbing a fist full of hair and then releasing it "I don't care if he kills me-"

"He won't" I whispered, biting the rim of the foam lid like Reece does with the rim of his coke can "It wasn't your fault"

He gave me a sad smile "it wasn't yours either"

I shrugged "When?"

He bowed his head and twisted the cup on the table "I'm not sure"

I bit my lip

"We need to do it soon though"

"and together"

"Yeah, he can't get mad around both of us"

I shook my head "I think he can"

Sam looked at me and laughed "I guess he can, but I doubt he wants to punch on in front of his girl"

"He punches you I punch him"

He raised an eyebrow "You're getting defensive of the guy who possible ruined your relationship"

"No, I'm being defensive of Sam" I paused "The good guy I know"

He smirked "Thanks Quinn"

I nodded and began to fiddle with the ring on my finger





A hand slid on top of mine, stopping my reoccurring actions

"Pu it on, leave it on" Sam whispered, making sure the ring was back on my finger before he slid his hand back to his side of the table "I don't want you thinking like that?"

"Like what?" I sighed

"Like you're unsure about the ring, about what it means"

"Because Reece told you what it means"

"Maybe he even told me more than he told you"

I laughed "Ironic that you know more about my relationship than I do"

"Even more so when we're in this situation"

I frowned "I guess so"

Reece trusted Sam enough to confide in him about me, they had known each other for most of their life and I now understood why

"I'll tell him"

Sam was willing to take the blame and anything else that came with our drunken kiss - he was worried more about my relationship than his friendship

"No Sam"

"Quinn, don't worry about it, I see the way he looks at you, you mean more to him than anything, this coming from you would break his heart, coming from me it'll soften the blow"

"I don't want to soften the blow, I want Reece to know, I don't want to hurt him but I want him to know" I muttered

"And he will" Sam smiled, leaning back and looking over my head "here he comes"

Reece slid into the seat beside me, a smile on his face as he leaned over and kissed my forehead

"Hey babe" he grinned, turning to Sam "Hey Mate, you take care of her?"

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