Chapter 15. Officially Dating Reece Mastin

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This is just a little cute chapter with Reece and Quinn, not to long, but it's moving forward to TONIGHT which is important to the rest of the story and there relationship


I looked up from the tench toast I was in the process of making and turned towards the sound of yelling

"Yeah?" I replied, my voice still thick with sleep 

Stupid 7am Show

"Have you seen my white jeans?" asked Reece, I could hear him throwing clothes around his room

I rolled my eyes "I haven't even been dating you for 24 hours and your already acting like were an old married couple"

He laughed

I dropped the spatula onto the counter top and walked down the hall to his room 

Reece was on his knees, searching through a pile of clothes

I rolled my eyes and unzipped the converse bag by the door, pulling out a pair of ripped white jeans, flinging them at his head

"Argh!" he screeched, pulling the pants from his hair and looking up at me "Thanks Babe"

I smiled as he pulled the jeans over his boxers and held up 2 shirts

One purple with a black guitar etched onto it, the other a simple pale blue with a low neckline and ripped hem

I rolled my eyes, stepping into the room, I grabbed the blue shirt and pushed it into his bare chest, kissing his lips lightly

"Will you relax"

He sighed "Sorry, This just isn't like other interviews"

"Well, pretend it is, put your boots on and your shirt; then come have some breakfast" I kissed his lips and walked back out to the kitchen, flipping the French toast and serving it up onto the counter with a bottle of maple syrup, butter and icing sugar

Reece rushed out and stopped at the door, looking from the toast to me

"What's this?" He stepped into the kitchen, fixing his necklaces and kissing me like a husband kisses his wife in the morning

"Breakfast" I smiled "I usually have French Toast on the lounge but seeing as your nervous, I thought a nice breaky would help you settle your nerves"

I squeezed his cheeks in between my thumb and other 4 fingers, making him pout like a fish and laughed, sitting at one of the 2 seats this side of the counter next to him and digging in to the toast in front of us

"Your coming with me yeah?"

I looked up at him, his eyes looking at me nervously

"How else are you getting there?" I laughed, finishing the last of my toast

"No, I mean, your going to stand in the wing with the camera yeah?"

I paused, He was kidding right


"PLEASE" he pouted, putting his hands together and begging "It'll be so much easier with my baby girl there"

I sighed, taking his plate under my own and placing them in the sink

I turned, giving him a disapproving look



"Reece, stop" I laughed as we walked out of the makeup room, his arms wrapped around my waist tightly, chin rested on my shoulder

"No" he chuckled, steering me into the privacy of the green room

"They call me on in about 2 minutes" he said, spinning me around to face him "Do I get a good luck kiss?"

I smirked, standing on my toes and pecking him on the lips, he pouted as I pulled away

"You can kiss me after the interview" I smiled, stepping away from him as a young woman with a headset and clipboard trotted in, looking from mento Reece

"You're on now Mr Mastin" she smiled, turning and walking out, waving her fingers for us to follow her

"Nervous?" I asked as he took my hand and lead me out to the side of the interview stage, there was a large blue lounge with two interviewers one male one female, both brunette, both with brown eyes; they were currently discussing Reece's career

"You'll be great, don't worry" I smiled, kissing his cheek as the woman ushered Reece to the edge of the side stage, ready for him to walk out at his name being called

I looked up onto the monitor and watched the interview intently

"Please welcome Reece Mastin!" smiled the woman, there was a loud round of applause and out walked Reece, his boots thudding softly on the carpeted floor as we smiled and waved at the crowd

He shook both interviewers hands and sat down to the left of them

"Welcome Reece" smiled the male interviewer

"Thank you, pleasure to be here" he smiled

"Now Reece, you became famous earlier this year on X Factor, you were a favorite from the beginning, was that tough on you?" the male asked

"I guess it was, a lot of people criticized me when I got it wrong but it was harder to go back and sing the next week after a good performance, knowing that it I did get it wrong It would just mean more pressure on me" he said, nervously playing with his hands "But everyone believed in me to the end, my family, my fans and now I'm here, I've got an album, a platinum single and I'm starting up a great tour in early February, so really it's all good"

"And your working on your second album?"

"Starting up work in January, after Christmas"

"That's great" smiled the female interviewer, "Now, you have been in the media alot recently"

"Yeah" He chuckled

"The last time you gave us your status, you were single so the question is; are you still single?"

Reece paused for a minute, looking out at the audience and back at the interviewers "I'm currently seeing a girl, we aren't an official couple as of yet but she's pretty amazing"

The crowd 'Awwww'd' making Reece smile

"Is this the girl you had been linked to in the tabloids and on twitter?"


"Does the lucky girl have a name?"

"Quinn" He smiled "She's gorgeous"

I smiled as the interviewer turned to the camera "There you have it, Reece Mastin officially off the market, stay tuned because after the break Reece will be performing his hit single good night, we'll be back after this"

The camera man called, break, Reece thanked the interviewers and then set up in front of the microphone and band, grinning at me

I smiled back: I was officially dating Reece Mastin

And I felt better than ever

I go back to school on Tuesday so these next 3 chapers will be the last of daily uploads, I will try to do 2-3 days and so on and so forth, for those of you you have read my One Direction fan fics "Being Part of the Bromance" & "My son & Boy-Band-Boyfriend" They will be uploaded on rotation the day before and day after Obsessed or any of my other books are so keep a look out for them to, there is my 2nd account name on my profile, go have a look & thanks for reading 

Peace babes xx 

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