Chapter 8. There's nothing here for you

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Chapter 8

“Goodbye Danny” I muttered, leaning on the half open door of my apartment

“Bye baby” he smiled at me from walking down the stairs, his arm slung over Danielle’s shoulder, her arm around his waist

“I’ll make sure he gets home” she said over her shoulder to me, tugging a drunk Danny further down the stairs

“Thank you” I smiled at her

“Remember Quinn” he muttered

“Remember what Danny?” I sighed 

“Danny boys 3 main rules” he grinned, I waited “1. Hang a sock on the door 2. Wake the neighbors and 3. Use protection

My cheeks burned as I shut the door behind the last of the my insanely drunken friends

I sighed and leaned back against it, looking at the rather clean apartment

I frowned, how did it get so clean so fast?

Then he appeared, holding a black garbage bag over his shoulder

He stopped and looked at me

He looked at me since the first time since truth or dare

And he smiled

“Hope you don’t mind” he said simply “I guessed you wouldn’t want to have to clean up the mess so I did it for you”

“Great, my own personal maid” I replied sarcastically

He smiled weakly and I made no attempt to smile back, simply picking up a half-full beer and finishing it off

“You aren’t old enough for alcohol” Reece muttered taking the bottle from my loose grip and placing it in the bag

“What are you my mother?” I spat, the alcohol catching up with me and tapping at the anger that had been built up since our Truth or Dare snog

“No, I’m just a guy who cares”

I laughed “Why?”

He sighed and dropped the bag by the front door “We went over this the first night I was here Quinn”

“And it was a load of bull”

Anger flashed in his eyes “Don’t push me Quinn, I’m not in the mood, I think the alcohol is catching up to both of us and I don’t want to do anything I’ll regret in the morning”

I looked up at him, determination set clear at the front of my mind “Why did you choose Dare?”

He frowned at me, taking a step forward so that he was extremely close “You think I don’t want to kiss you?”

I gulped “You just dint want to tell me what you were muttering about”

He smirked “You think that”

“I know that”

“Just drop it Quinn-“

“No, I will not drop it; tell me what you were muttering about”

He shook his head and started to back away “Games over”

I grabbed his arm and pulled him back so he was back against the door, me in front of him “Why won’t you tell me?”

“It doesn’t matter” he said through clenched teeth

“Really?” I asked raising an eyebrow “Because nothing important usually refers to looking “so damn good in red” and not falling for her no matter “how sexy she is””

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