Chapter 29. Baby Blue

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Happy Valentines Day :) (If it was happy for you) Hope you enjoy this chapter, I find it really sweet :) and I LOVE little baby Kali-Connelly PIC ON THE SIDE! and cue *NAWWWWWWWW*  

Chapter 29

Liv dropped me off at the airport almost 20 minutes later

“Go” she yelled, grabbing my bag and dragging it out onto the curb of the airport

“Liv” I sniffled

She shook her head “Don’t worry about anything, you’re going to be an aunty, you need to go or you’ll miss your plane, Text me when you land, I’ll call you tomorrow, don’t worry about Reece, I’ll sort everything out, everything is going to be fine”

I nodded, swiping tears from my eyes and hugged her tightly “Thank you so much Liv”

She hugged me back tightly and handed me my ticket “Go, Abbey needs you”

I smiled and grabbed my bag

“Text me a picture!” she called as I hurried to the sliding doors

“I will!” I screamed, as the glass doors shut behind me

I turned to the long line and breathed in deeply

Abbey needs me

I can do this

Abbey needs me

“May I help you?” asked the woman at the desk in a stewardess outfit

I handed her my boarding pass and put my suitcase on the conveyer belt

She scanned my card and sent my luggage through to the plane before handing me back my pass “I hope you enjoy your flight Miss Kali”

I smiled and took back my pass, hooking my backpack tighter over my shoulder

“Thank you, I will”

“Flight 234 to Sydney is now boarding at Gate 7”


“Danny!” I screamed, dropping my bag at his feet and wrapping my arms around him

“Hey baby, let’s get going, I’ll drop your stuff at your apartment after I get you to the hospital”

I nodded as he picked up my bag, took my hand and set us running for the door

Danny pulled me into his car and sped off towards Sydney Hospital

I jumped out before he had even parked properly and slammed the door

“Room 802, maternal ward, ask for directions!” he screamed from the open window as I ran into the Hospital without looking back

I sped down the hallways and stopped at a large metal sign on the wall of a T section hallway

ICU Unit < Left

 Right > Maternity Ward

I went Right

I stopped at a desk with a young blonde nurse who looked up startled by my rushing form

“I need… I need”

She put her hand on top of mine and smiled “Breathe darling”

I took a deep breath “I’m looking for my sister, Abbey Kali-Connelly, she’s in labor, I need to get to her, I need-“

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