Chapter 36. Enmore Engagement

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Hope you enjoy :)

LIVE @ THE ENMORE THEATER - He cries and when I watch this I cry because my baby is crying *Heart breaks* 

Chapter 36

Holding heaven in your hands” Reece stepped back from the mic strumming his guitar and smiled down at me

I was in the front row of the enmore theater show, behind the barricade with Sam, Danny and 2 security guards, we originally had side tickets but Reece had sent Jim and Jake down to collect us before Reece started singing timeless song

 This made me nervous so I twirled my ring around my finger

My engagement ring, that still made me smile

And I, I’m not afraid, I can’t explain the way I’m feeling now, you, you fell from grace, without a trace, my heart stopped beating oh!” He strummed the last few notes on the guitar and pointed to me while looking at Jim

I frowned as Jim wrapped his large hands around my waist and hoisted me up so that my converse touched the stage

Reece handed his guitar to a member of the band and took my waist, replacing his hands where Jim’s had been and pulled me up onto stage with him

“What are you doing?” I whispered, the crowd had gone slightly quiet, muttering in confusion

“Showing you off” he winked

My eyes widened as he grabbed the microphone and smiled at the crowd

“Hey guys”

They screamed ‘Hello’ in response

“Okay, this is important and I want you guys to be the first to know so get your phones out, record, twitter it facebook it, message it scream it, but let everyone who’s not here tonight know what I’m about to tell you okay?”

Thousands of girls nodded

He took my hand and smiled out at the crowd “I was talking to my mum the other day about love and she told me that the person I was going to marry was the most unlikely person, I’d meet them, think nothing of them and then one day fall for them as hard and as fast as humanly possible, and to cope with those feelings I wrote timeless”

The crowd started to murmur as Reece placed a kiss on my cheek

“All of you know Quinn and I got back together recently” he smiled and pulled me forward, twirling me around “Lil Rockers, meet Quinn, Quinn meet my gorgeous fans”

He placed the microphone in front of my lips and I smiled “Hi guys”

The crowd cheered as Reece pulled my hand up to kiss it lightly, the hand with my ring

“There’s one more thing I want to tell you guys” he smiled keeping my hand up with his “I know I’m only 17, I don’t turn 18 till late this year but I can’t let this girl go again, she’s my perfect girl and that’s why we are going to share our secret”

The girls gasped as Reece took us to the very edge of the stage and held out my hand “For those of you who can see, Quinn’s wearing a ring, my ring” he kissed my lips gently before pushing his mouth back against the Microphone “An engagement ring”

The group of girls squealed

I blushed and hid my face in Reece’s neck as he hugged me

“Don’t be shy” he laughed with the rest of the girls who cooed at us

Obsessedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें