Chapter 10. Best Night Ever

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Chapter 10

My room was dark and cold

I stood in the doorway, looking around from the light provided by the hallway

Tears streamed down my face as I remembered the one night that had been playing in my mind after Reece had gone back to his room

“Babe, come on, I’m just spending the night” smirked Connor as he pulled me into my clean room

“Yeah, I know, but you’ve never stayed over before” I smiled

“Well tonight I am” he kissed my lips hard and trailed his hands up my shirt

I giggled “Connor what are you doing?”

He pulled my shirt off and threw it to the other end of the room with his “Getting you ready for bed”

He tugged down my skirt and slung my around his waist, carrying me to the bed while kissing my neck

“Connor come on I’m tired” I whined, laying back on the bed he had laid me on

“Quinn shut up” he muttered, unbuttoning his jeans and unclipping my bra

“Seriously Connor” I squirmed

He didn’t stop; he pulled off my bra and stared down at me like I meant nothing

“Will you just shut up and deal with this, I’m your boyfriend, I can have sex with you if I want”

I squirmed under his as his hand slipped down to my panties

“Connor, get off, I’m serious I don’t want to do this right now, I’m sorry but just get off”

He growled and stood from the bed, fixing his jeans and running a hand through his hair

“You’re seriously useless, why did I even come back to you?” he muttered, grabbing his shirt and pulling it on over his head

I pulled the sheet of my bed over my chest and stared up at him with heavy eyes “What?”

“Look, I’ve got a girl back at my apartment, she’d do better at this than you anyway, why don’t you call me when you get some guts and are ready to go down for me babe”

I looked at him in shock “Connor-“

“Fuck off slut, if you’re not going to get me laid then there’s no use; you’re not even that pretty”

Tears started to well in my eyes “I- I-“

“Later” he shrugged, walking out, leaving me to cry into the bed sheets

That was the day I started to build my wall, that was the night that I felt useless and I had ever since

Until I met Reece

 Why him? Why the famous teenager from X Factor? Why the flirt who I couldn’t have?

Tears crawled harder down my face; sobs escaped my lips, my face flushing with heat

I couldn’t move, I stood, leaned against the door frame of my bedroom, not in, not out, not wanting to sleep yet not wanting to stay awake

I wanted to drift off into another place, I didn’t want to be Quinn Kali anymore, I didn’t want to know Reece, I wanted to go back to my own life, the one where I sorted Records, didn’t care about Christmas, didn’t have my face on the entertainment channel

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