Chapter 13 - Vulnerable

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Your POV

"What?" You ask, confused.

"I'll do it too. Just jump." Dan smiles and pushes you up the platform.

"But, what did you say before?" You turn around, insisting that he answers your question.

"Nothing, forget it." He shakes his head and looks down for a brief second, somewhat ashamed.

"Are you going to jump?" His eyes flick up to meet yours, making you feel a bit of pressure.


"Watch." Dan puts his phone down on the concrete bridge and hops up the step. Before you can stop him, he leaps into the air. He reaches as far in front of him, as if there is something to grab onto.

"Wooo!" He plummets down into the water and hits the surface. God, that looks awesome. You start to feel tempted but at the same time, nope.

"Y/N! Come on, you can do it!" Dan emerges from water, breathing heavily. The waves softly smack his face as he stares up at you.

"Uh- Oh, what the hell." You shrug, laying your phone down next to his, and jump. As you fall down you watch Dan, a look of amazement stitched upon his face. The water grows closer and closer until your body breaks it.

You swim back up to the surface; your clothes are heavy and your hair is probably ruined but it's all worth it. Dan goes over to you and shakes your shoulders with excitement.

"Wasn't that exhilarating?" He questions. You happily smile back at Dan and shove his shoulder lightly.

"We were up there." He pants, gazing up at the bridge. Holy heck, that is high.

"I'm doing it again." You swim over to edge to get out and Dan follows you.

"My jeans! Yuuuuuuuccckk." He whines as he gets out of the river. He starts waddling away, making you laugh. You both approach the beginning of the bridge and Dan looks over to you.

"Guess what song's stuck in my head?" He challenges you and you take a few seconds to think.

"A month without uploading, he comes back with a tag." You rap.

"That no one even tagged him in, he's not a challenge to drag." Dan continues.

"So prepare for an attack and by that I mean cringe." Both of you start to battle as you go up on the bridge.

"'Cause this motherf-"

"What did I tell you?" Dan chuckles, flinging his hands up as he reaches the top of the bridge.

"Mother-" You test him.

"Y/N." He pleads sternly.


"No, bad." Dan waves a finger and you bite your lip to stop you from bursting out laughing.

"'Bout to-"

"Stop Y/N- oh."

"Get dragged by his fringe." You grin and Dan jumps into rapper position again.

"First things first, you're freakishly tall, it's weird, you look like noodle." He raps and you join in, getting into a 'rapping war' again. Seeing who can go the fastest and make the least mistakes - you go through the whole song, aggressively waving your hands at each other. Thank god, the park is empty, you would've looked like such losers otherwise.

"You can call me a liar, 'cause you just witnessed the roast of danisnotonfire." You both end, panting.

"That was a workout." You huff as you hold your damp knees.

"And super cringe." Dan chuckles.

"Well, maybe." You agree and sit on the bridge platform. Dan sits down next to you, still heaving.

"I didn't know you knew all the words." He grins.

"I like rapping yours since, well, it's better than mine." You explain, playing with your fingers.

"What? Your track is so good, Drake in the making." He laughs and you smile at your feet.

"Are we even allowed to be up here?" Dan looks at you and points behind him. You don't answer, instead you panic. He leans too far back and begins to slip off the edge. He quickly realises and tries to grab your arm but it's too late, he is already dropping down.

Dan screams for help and fearfully gazes into your eyes. You do the first thing that comes to your mind.

"Rewind!" You yell desperately. The flow of the stream starts to travel backwards but Dan doesn't move an inch closer to you. He keeps falling and falling until he crashes into the water.

"Dan!" You cry and hurriedly rush down the side of the bridge. His body is in the depths of the river, unable to be seen. You dive in and frantically look around underwater. You spot him, completely limp, being carried up the stream. Right, the universe is still going backwards.

"Play." You gurgle and air bubbles float up to the top of the river. Dan's body begins to push towards you as the flow goes back to normal. You keep swimming over to him and hook your arms under his body.

You lift your head out of the water and gasp for air. Rushing Dan over to the side of the river, you lay him on his back and you can see his left leg is twisted.


"Y/N, I absolutely hate it in here." Dan complains as he stretches across the hospital bed.

"You've only been in here for two days, calm yourself." You throw your jumper onto the nearby chair.

"Don't tell me what to do." He crosses his arms.

"Stubborn child." You laugh and shake your head at him. Dan shifts in the bed and swings his legs over the side. He props himself up on the hand railing and stands up on his feet.

"Woah, what are you doing?" You wave your hands.

"I need to go the the bathroom." He explains, struggling to take a step.

"Dan, don't." You run over to him and place your hands on his arms.

"Y/N, I can do this." He ignores you and keeps trying to walk. You hold onto him tighter.

"You can't walk yet, your surgery was 4 hours ago." You argue but Dan snaps.

"I just-" He yells but then pauses.

"I don't want to be so weak around you." He sighs, looking down. You drop your hands off him.

"Dan, you're not weak." You insist.

"I feel like I am, I'm a mess Y/N." He looks into your eyes and you suddenly feel guilty. Then there's a tension. It grows tighter until it feels like it can shatter. Dan's eyes flick down to your lips and your heartbeat echoes throughout your body.

"I'll get your crutches." You cough and turn around.

"Uh- yeah, thanks." Dan rubs his neck awkwardly. Was that really about to happen? No, it wasn't. It's just a figment of your imagination, it always is.

Is it bad that I didn't need to copy Dan's diss track lyrics? Much trash I am (You read that in a Yoda accent, admit it). Also, yes, I did edit that photo up the top to make Dan in a hospital (Hope I didn't do a crap job). Thanks for reading, please vote and comment!

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