Chapter 15

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-Kay POV-

A Walmart is in my view. I have to get in and out fast. Hopefully I come out with a pair of shoes on... I have never been such a thief but I am in some desperate times.

I avoid all eye contact as I travel back to the shoe section. I pick out a pair of white jogging shoes. I don't really know how to steal...

With in a minute I have my plan. I head over to the clothes section and pick out pants and a t-shirt. I go back to the changing room. I slip on the shoes after I take the tags off. I grab the clothes and head back to the area where I picked out the outfit. I flip through the sizes acting like I might buy one. I shake my head and hurry towards the exit.

"Excuse me ma'am," I speed up and ignore the voice. I pass the sliding doors and hear the voice again but it's more distant and I can't decipher the words. I turn the corner and burst into a run. I dash around another corner and run through the field behind it. I keep running and I don't stop till Walmart is a tiny building behind me. I'm shaking so bad I feel like I am going to cause an earth quake. I put my hands on my knees and dry heave. The heat is intense and I feel like I am going to boil from the inside out.

In a sense I am proud of myself. However, ashamed at the same time. I take a few more breathes and keep on my way, trying to hurry. My next task is to find out where I am and where I'm even going to go... This is the biggest failed runaway ever.

After wandering for hours I decide to look at a local phone book. Then I can find out my location an maybe even call someone... Who? I have no idea but maybe a persons name will come to me.

I walk into a local convenient store called Stop n' Shop. I walk up to the front desk. A note sits next to the bell and it says to ring if assistance is needed. Ok then.. I tap the top and the ding travels throughout the store. I wait for a worker to come out of their hiding place. An older woman appears from the back.

"Hello," She smiles at me sweetly.

"Do you have a local phone book I can borrow. Please," pathetically I smile.

"No, I'm sorry," she frowns a little.

"It's fine. Thank you anyway," I wave as I walk out the door. I look around for another store that may have one. Once I find out where I am then maybe I can get back to my home town. Then I can find Amber and stay with her till Max should be better. That's how I want everything to happen, but there is no way to predict the future...

I walk down the side walk and keep my senses on high alert. My stomach begs me to feed it but there is just no way. I want to go lay down on a patch of grass and sleep. I want so much but can't have any of it. I pass lots of stores but don't feel like talking to anyone. I have time to figure out where I am.

I have walked block, after block, and finally I stop. A park catches my attention so I head over to it. If I have time to walk aimlessly I have time to sit.

As dangerous as it is to be out in the open my body forces me to a picnic table. I stretch out as I lay down on the bench part. The sun's rays wrap me in a blanket of warmth. I close my eyes for just a second. Almost as quick as a blink; however, my mind takes over and makes me rest.

"Excuse me?" I hear a voice ask as my foot is being shaken. I peel my eyes open and focus on the person at my side. I clear my throat and sit up.

"Yes?" I question. The man is a tad bit older than myself but not older than 25.

"Would you mind me sitting with you?" I shake my head no and scoot over to give him some room.

"So?" I say awkwardly.

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