Chapter Two

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Sherlock P.O.V

I sat alone in a interragation room, twiddleing my thumbs. Why in the world did they think I was in assocociation with an alien? I've never met an alien in my life, or, at least as far as I know, I haven't.

Suddenly, the man from earlier walked in. He was short, had some brown hair, probably in his forties. He looked as if he used to have a wife and kids, but they had a fight and broke up. He took this job while she took the kids. Poor man.

"So do you know why you're here?"

I gave him a look, "Besides what you told me, no."

"So you don't know any Asgardians?"

"No, I had no idea they even existed."

He leaned closer to me, "Oh, they do. And one of 'em is trying to take over Earth. And I think he wants you."

"And who is this?

"Do you know Loki Laufeyson?"

"The god of mischief? Personally no."

"Well he's the one who wants you. And I have reason to believe you would partner with him."

"And why would I?"

He leaned even closer to my face, to where our noses almost touched, "Because you're just like him."

Jane P.O.V

What was I doing here? I've never been a criminal until I started living with Sherlock. Until I met her 4 months ago. the instant we met, I just decided to live with her. Putting our differences aside, we became roommates, friends, and consulting detectives. But now look at me, I'm in jail cause of her. Who knows what she's been up to. My Sherlock...a criminal.

Suddenly, the man from earlier came into the room.

"Hello Jane."

I nodded my head, "Sir."

He sat at the chair across from me, "Jane, you're a sweet girl. I, personally, don't think you have anything to do with these Asgardian problems. You're just a young college American who somehow got stuck with Sherlock."

He was nice, too nice. I may be naïve but not super naïve. He wanted information, whether or not I was willing to give it. So he was trying to trick me into trusting him. But I wasn't that gullible. Time to turn on my acting skills.

I made my eyes tear up, "Sir, S-Sir, I just-I just don't know what's going on. Please, please let me and Sherlock go."

"Sure, sure thing sweetie. Just tell me if Sherlock has been acting...strange recently."

"No, she's been pretty normal. normal as Sherlock can be."

"Okay, well thank you Jane. We'll get you out of here soon."

I sniffed my nose, "Tha-Thank you sir."

And I held back my smirk as he lead me out.

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