Chapter Twenty Five

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Loki's POV

What am I doing? I can't allow myself to just stay here, alone, a failure to Sherlock's love and trust in me. If I was up there on that rooftop she would've risked her life for me. So why not I do the same?

But look at me, I have become a coward of love. My daughter had promised the rule of Midgard if I had fulfilled my task for her. It was easy, get her to trust you and bring her to Jenny. But I had to fall in love, with a mortal none the less. I can't let this happen!

I'm going to that rooftop and I'm getting my courage back...

Sherlock's POV

Jenny giggled, "I never knew it would be this easy to get you to cooperate."

"Well you put my love and my best friend in danger. That's easy enough to get me."

"Love is not an advantage," Jenny tisked.

"I know. My sister tells me of this all the time."

She smirked, "So anyways, the deal. I need your help in taking over the universe."

"What? That's impossible!"

"Not with your help. With your brains and my powers we could rule everywhere."

"I could never do such a thing! No matter how hard I tried. I may be a pretentious prick but I'm not a murderous power hungry person!"

"I know but when you fling yourself off this rooftop, I will collect your soul and, um, well, change you to think mischievously. Then you'll be able to easily help me and love it."

She said it so casually, like killing myself was this was easy thing to do.

"Will you promise the safety of Loki, Jenny, and my sister?"


"And you will do nothing to torture or harm them in any physical or mental way?"

"I promise."

"Fine then. I'll do it."

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