Chapter Six

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Jane's P.O.V

Sherlock came back in a rushened haste, "That was terrible, horrific, and..."

"Absolute brilliance!" Phil interrupted.

Both Sherlock and I turned to him, shocked.

"But I found nothing of importance!" Sherlock exclaimed.

"No, you found out that one: he allowed himself to be captured, two: he doesn't consider himself good nor evil, and three: he came to Earth for one reason, to rule it."

"Oh," Sherlock looked taken back then straightened herself out, "I had planned that all along..."

"Sure..." I whispered to myself.

"Well now that Sherlock is done, Jane, it's your turn."

Later On

I felt nervous as I walked through the opened a steel doors. What if Loki tried to manipulate me? What if I spill information that shouldn't be known to him?

I watched him as he leaned against the glass incasing. Then right when he saw me, a smirk appeared on his face. The second I looked into his eyes, I felt a ping of familiarity. Had I met him before?

"Oh hello!" he said excitedly, "You must be..."

I interrupted, "Lucy Scotty."

"Jane Watson. Dr.Jane Watson, I presume."

How did he know?

"I'm assuming you're here to question me, like you're friend did?"

I nodded.

"Oh, well that's too bad, dear. You're not going to get very far."

What was he...?

Suddenly my thoughts burned in my head as they crumbled away like paper. I felt emotionless and useless, like my mind was gone.

I then felt the urge to go to the control panel and press the numbers 2128396. And I did so. Then I pressed the red button.

I heard the sound of doors opening and I watched as Loki stepped out of the glass encasing. Normally I would be shocked or scarred but insted I felt nothing except for a twinge of success.

"Thank you, my dear," He said to me and kissed my cheek. Then he ran into the control room where Phil and Sherlock wait.

When Sherlock Met Loki (Sherlock Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now