Chapter Eight

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Sherlock's P.O.V

As the bullet flew through the air and hit him, he dissapeard.

"What," I looked around, "WHAT?"

Phil got up from the ground, "He's the god of mischeif, an illutionist, I expected nothing less."

I looked back at the screen, showing the room that once held Loki. Jane lay on the ground, unconsious. "What will happen to her?"

"She'll have to be arrested and taken in for questioning."

Oh Jane, what have you gotten yourself into?

Jane's P.O.V

I woke up in a windowless room, only filled with a desk and a chair. I was alone and I felt breathless. I looked around and noticed...this was the interrogation room. Why was I here? The last thing I remember is talking to Loki...Loki. I must've done something terribly bad. HE MADE ME DO IT!

I struggled to get out of the chair, but I couldn't. Why couldn't I? I looked down at my feet and wrists and saw they were bound to the chair by chains. I tried to move the chair but it was too heavy, probably made of some heavy metal.

My heart pounded in my head as worry flooded my body. I must have done something really terrible to have them chain me. What if I killed someone? I let the tears flow as I screamed loudly, struggling against the chains.

"SOMEONE EXPLAIN!" I screamed in terror...of myself. I couldn't trust myself.

Then I heard a door creak. I looked up and saw Agent Phil Coulson.

"Oh Phil, please tell me I didn't hurt anyone. I must've if I'm being chained."

He smiled, "No sweetie. We just chained you as a precaution. Don't fret. Somehow Loki is controlling you and we have to figure out how and why."

A wave of relief flowed over my body, "Thank goodness."

"Thankfully we already know how Loki is controlling you."

"How's that?"

He leaned closer to my face, "I'm him."

Instantly, a cloud of green covered him and when it blew away it revealed Loki. My heart began to pound again, I couldn't breath.

Loki came closer to me and lifted my chin to face him, "Hello pet."

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