Chapter Thirteen

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Sherlock's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning to Loki staring at me.

"That's not creepy..." I grumbled, turning over in my bed.

"Sorry, I, um..."

"It's fine, Loki. I observe people too, just not as creepily."

He laughed, "Come on, we're going on our date."

I rolled my eyes, "Must we? It's too early in the morning. Plus, must we date like ordinaries?"

"It's not going to be ordinary, trust me. Now get dressed. You got 30 mintutes." He walked out and just as he was about close my door, he stopped to think a moment then turned around and winked at me and ran out.

Later On

We kept quiet the whole time on the ride there, a comfortable silence, one I only shared with Jane. But finally I couldn't take it, "Where are we going?"

"Are you not used to being out of control?" he teased.

"No, I just don't like not knowing where we're going."

"You'll enjoy it, trust me," his happy voice trailed off sadly, "You did last time."

I gulped down the awkwardness and sadness, he acted so happy around me but I'm Sherlock Holmes, I can tell he's depressed and lonley. He kept a small smile as we drove on. Soon enough, I fell asleep.

I was woken up by a light tug of my shirt, "Lili, wake up."

I looked up to find a rather handsome and shirtless Loki in front of me, "Here, I packed you a bathing suit. There's restrooms over there. I'll be waiting at the shoreline." And he just walked off, a basket in his hand.

I observed the bag he gave me and pulled out the bathing suit. It was a modest blue suit, the color of my scarf. He must've known that was my favorite color. I found the loo and changed into it. Then I followed the direction Loki had went in. When I reached the top of the hill, I noticed where we were, Sunny Sands Beach, Folkstone, Kent. I could tell from the rock pools and large hills. It was gorgeous here. One of the best beaches in the UK.

I walked down to where I saw Loki waiting for me on a large light blue towel the color of the cloudless sky. He had fruit placed out for us, "Hey Lil." He said it in such a seductive way it could make any girl crumble, but I'm not "any girl".

"Hi Loki!" I smiled, walking over to sit by him.

"Strawberries? I know they're your favorite." He said, offering the bowl of berries.

"Thanks," I said, smiling and taking one.

"When we're done we can go exploring around and swimming."

"Sounds good."

We ate and talked for a bit. I asked him about himself and he told me that he was adopted, had a brother, didn't get along with his father, and had a loving mother who had recently passed away. He had a love for horses and snakes. And his favortie colors were green, black, and gold.

After eating he offered for us to go take a walk but right as I went to get up, he picked me up and spun me around.

"Loki!" I screamed, laughing, "Put me down!"


He headed toward the ocean as the waves threatened to tip us over.

"Loki! No! Put me down now!" I screamed again.

"Oh, has the smart and clever Sherlock met her match?"

It was weird hearing me be called Sherlock after being know as Lili for a couple of days.

"No one is a match for me!" I declared, jokingly.

"Oh, well that's a pity. If you hadn't have said that, I wouldn't have done this!"

And like a movie, the world seemed to move in slow motion. Loki threw me into the air, I felt the wind blow through my hair, I saw the peaceful waves of the ocean crash, and lastly I saw the smiling face of Loki before crashing into the water. I let myself sink into the cool water until I began to float and swam back up to the surface.

"Loki!" I yelled as I ran up to him.

He was standing at the shoreline, barely even wet, laughing his arse off. Oh he's gonna get it! I ran up to him to perform some quick karate techniques but as I was running I slipped and fell on top of him. We feel onto the soft sand, holding each other's gaze for a moment. Then I decided to break the silence.

"Oh," I blushed, "I'm sorry."

He smirked, "Fine with me."

We kept quiet again, just staring into each other's eyes. They say eyes are the windows to the soul. And I could see years of sorrow and lonliness in his eyes but I also saw hope and happiness. Did I cause that hope and happiness?

"You have beautiful eyes."

I smiled, "Thanks, you do too."

Finally after a moment, we got off each other. He helped me up.

"Are you enjoying our first date?"

"Yeah, its actually been really fun. I..."

He held up a finger, "Sorry, I should've done this before."

And he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me close, and causing our lips to meet. It felt so wrong but yet so right. But it's not like I'm in I?

When Sherlock Met Loki (Sherlock Fanfiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora