Chapter Fourteen

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Jane's P.O.V

Its been months since I've heard from Sherlock. S.H.I.E.L.D and I have been working on finding her but have come up with nothing. So after my long days of work, I'd return home to where everything would remind me of her. The only thing that kept me sane was the fact I knew she was still living. Loki seemed to be, shall I say, in love with her. And I'm not surprised, they're practically the same person, both clever and braggy.

I trudged around the apartment. I bit back the tears as everything I did reminded me of her. She was more than a best friend, she was like my sister, and now she was gone. It was like she was dead. I missed her so much, so much that I couldn't take it. For days I would scream and cry and break picture frames of us. Then I'd just sit in the corner, trying to catch my breath. That went on for 2 months.

The last two months, I was just quiet, almost like I wasn't alive. I just woke up and got ready without a word and then went to work. I did as Agent Phil asked me and returned to my tasks. Once I got home I undressed, showered, dressed, and finally got into bed. I'd stare at the ceiling for hours, just reminicing on my whole life, and once I finally reached to the moments I had with Sherlock, I'd cry myself to sleep.

Then one night, something happened. As I was staring at the ceiling, I noticed a letter had appeared on my nightstand. I was afraid to open it but I reconized Sherlock's handwriting on the envelope. She had written "Dear Jane," in her usual neat cursive. I instantly jumped out of bed, running to open it. I ripped open the envelope and grabbed the letter. There was two pages.

The first page read; "Dear Jane, I know it's been a while since you've seen Sherlock and am I am truely sorry but I can't allow her to see you. She doesn't remeber anything that has happened since you met S.H.I.E.L.D. She believes you're dead. If she did see you, she would possible regain her memory and I can't lose her now. I think I'm in love with her. She is perfect in every way. She's the only one that gets me. I will tell her the truth soon. But for now, I want to live in this perfect fantasy. So leave me be, Jane. 


I dropped the letter and put my hand up to my mouth, "" I bit back the urge to cry and scream.

Then I remembered there was another letter. I slowly reached out to grab it, scared of its contents, but then I noticed it. Sherlock's handwriting...

I grabbed the the note and read it; "Dear Jane, Loki told me that writing a letter to someone who has passed can help you cope with their death so I'm going to do so. Maybe one day you'll read it. Well Jane, I miss you. There's no doubt about it. You were the only one I could count on, the only one who accepted me for me and I want to thank you for it. I owe you so much. You put up with my sarcasticness, my solitude, my ways with no complaint. We became more than best friends, we were sisters. And it hurts me everyday that you're gone, that I couldn't save you, that you couldn't be here. But you left me in good hands. Loki is one of the best things to ever happen to me. He understands me just as you did. And he's just like me. He's perfect...and so were you. I'll miss you Jane. See you soon.


I held my breath, biting my lip I let my tears fall for the millionth time. My hands trembled as I reached for my cell phone. I quickly dialed a number and out the phone to my ear.

The male voice broke through, "Hello?"

"I'm ready."

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