Chapter 18

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Jade's POV

I can't believe I found my imprint! Oh my god I'm so happy! But I really do need to find Bella. She should know why she was actually turned, and they need to know what I am.

We run through the forest side by side. I decide to stay in my human form, might as well make it easier for Angela if she would want a conversation. Not a lot of people converse with me though, they always thought I was weird and awkward. That never bothered me though. I always knew I was going to find my other half, and that has kept me optimistic throughout my life. I'm 122 years old. Gosh just thinking makes me sound old.

"So Jade," Angela says,"tell me about yourself."

"Well Angela, what do you want to know?"

"Well for starters, I want to know your last name because I'm going to need it soon." She looks over at me with a smirk on her face.

I think for a minute before it finally registered. "Oh real smooth there Angie, real smooth." That was a good one haha.

"On a serious note though, just tell me about your interest. What do you love to do?"

"Well for starters, I love Spanish music. I just love how the guitar and the vocals mix. It's one my favorite sounds in the world. It's second to one thing though," I say. If she wants to do a cheezy pick up line, just waits till she hears this.

"And what would that be?" she asks.

"My most favorite sound in the world is... drum roll please... your laugh."

"Oh... Oh that's a good one there." She stops and bends over laughing. Okay I might of said that just to one up her on cheezy things, but I seriously think her laugh is my favorite sound. The way she is just letting lose with her laugh is just amazing, like words can't even describe it. (Or I just can't think of anyway to describe a laugh right now haha. Okay back to reading)

"I'm good aren't I?" I ask teasingly.

"That seriously was a good one. You're going to have to teach me some of your lines later. If you have that good of one on the top of your head, there's no telling what you can do when you sit and think about them." Yay!! She wants to spend more time with me.

Before I can answer to that she took off running ahead of me. "Hey that's cheating!" I yell. I shift into my wolf, and chase after her. What she doesn't know, is that I'm way faster in my wolf form than my human form. I easily catch back up to her, and pull ahead.

Off in the distance, I see this big house. I'm assuming this is the Cullen residence, so I slow my pace down some. I don't want to just barge in on them. That's rude. When I'm just outside of their house, still hidden in the woods, I stop. I shift back into my human form and wait for Angela to catch up. I didn't think I was that fast, maybe Angela is just slow.

"Jade why are you out her? Come one let's go inside," said Angela as she slowed to a walk beside me.

"I didn't just want to barge into their house Angie. I don't want to come off as rude. I know Bella knows me, but that's it."

"Good point, let's go." We go inside and call everyone down for a meeting. When Bella sees me, she started running down the stairs.

"Jadie!!" Bella yells. She crushes me into a hug and spins me around. "I haven't seen you in forever. What are you doing here?"

"Well you see that's a long story, which I am about to tell all of you. So please gather around people gather around. It's story time." We all sit down, and surprisingly they actually sit around me. Huh? I can get used to this. "Okay so first things first. Bella did you ever figure out why you turned into a wolf shifter?" I ask.

"No. I thought it was because of James when he bit me," you can here a vampire with blonde hair, who was sitting on Bella's lap, growl lowly,"Rose it's, okay calm down, I'm okay." She runs one of her hands through 'Rose's' hair. You can see the vampire slowly relax. "Anyway I just thought that somehow with that and all of the shifters, the genes mixed and I turned."

"Well I am here to tell you wrong. And before you interupt let me say everything. Deal?" I ask.

"You have yourself a deal Jade," Bella said.

This is going to be a long day.

A/n: Wooo another update for you lovely readers. And it's weird that it's not during the weekends or a break, but a dear friend of mine wanted an update after the last one and I said I would get it done tomorrow and she held me to it. So here it is. I hope you guys are enjoying this book.

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