Take It Out On Me.

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Brinley Madison Greene has been in nursing school for two years. She's in training to work in the trauma unit and the NICU unit. Her bestfriend Brian Kelley has been supporting her dreams since the day they met, in ninth grade when Brinley was being bullied. Brian is in the group Florida Georgia Line, and Brinley is one of his biggest fans and she's trusted him more than anyone else in her life. When Brinley starts dating Michael Brian finds out that Brinley's been physically and emotionally abused by him, he tries to help Brinley get away from Michael But she's too scared. And now when Brinley thought things may change with Michael. Her life is about to change big time. Will a baby bring good or bad things?

Brinley's POV: I'd been sitting in my apartment fighting with Michael all night and he left about two hours ago. I walked up to the bedroom my face stinging with pain from being smacked, really hard. After looking in the mirror I applied some makeup to cover the bruises and cuts on my face and I grabbed my coat off the bed and put it on. I decided I'd walk to Brian's tonight. I glanced over at the clock. It was midnight, and I had no intentions of coming back home tonight. After grabbing the keys I grabbed a bottle of beer and ran out the door, locking it and looking back one more time. I started walking down the street. It was October so it was pretty chilly outside. As I sipped the bottle of beer I let tears run down my cheeks and I started picking up my pace to get to Brian's house.

Brian's POV: I looked down at my phone and saw it was almost 1am. I went to my bedroom and took off my shirt and pulled on a pair of shorts and got up in my bed and turned the tv on. I wasn't really tired, just had so much on my mind I wasn't in the mood for anything right now. As I watched tv I pulled the blanket over me and then out of nowhere there was a banging on my bedroom window. It startled me a bit so I made sure a knife was nearby in case I was in any danger. Then slowly I pulled up the window blinds and saw Brinley, I tapped the window and wrote down "Go to the front door. Be there in a sec Bri" then I held up the paper to the window for her to read it. And I ran out of the room and to the front door and opened it, then I saw it. The bruises, the cuts on her cheeks and a black eye. I pulled her close for a hug and whispered "Shhhh, sweetie. He can't hurt you now. I'm here" and I gently pushed her hair out of her face, revealing more cuts and her hair was matted from the dried up blood. I kissed her cheek and said "Come on, lets get you cleaned up and in some warm clothes"

After seeing Brinley like that, the anger inside of me was rising. I wanted to beat Michael so badly. I was in love with my best friend and yet she was with some asshole who used and abused her. If he ever comes close to me, he's a dead man, that's for sure.

Brinley's POV: After Brian carried me to the bathroom I sat on the counter and screamed "I can't fucking do it anymore BK, I'd rather live in a box than live with a monster. I can't hide the damage anymore. He's too violent now" and I slipped off my jacket and turned over my arms revealing burns and I sighed and said "That's from his cigarette" and Brian looked at me with shock. I could see the anger in his eyes and the pain. I knew this hurt him just as much as it hurt me. I looked up at him with tears streaming down my cheeks and whispered "I wanna stay here. With you" and then I saw a faint smile on his face and he wiped my tears and helped get me cleaned up.

I couldn't of asked for anything more in a best friend. He's perfect. Since the day we met, I had a crush on him. But when he started singing and doing tours I thought he'd be too busy for me. But he hasn't. We do everything together, go to the park, he helps me study for tests, we go camping and we even go to lunch together almost all the time. And I can tell him anything, nothing bothers him, not even my girly issues. He's my best friend. But I want him to be more than that.

Brian's POV: I smile as I help Brinley get fixed up and help wash the blood out of her hair and nod and say "You can stay, as long as you want sweetie" and I grab a few badages and put them over her cuts and burns and I rub her cheek softly and look into her pretty blue eyes and pick her up from the counter and carry her into my room and set her down on the bed and whisper softly in her ear "Take it out on me Brinley" and she smiles and looks at me a little confused and says "Take it out on you?" and I nod and whisper "Put your lips on mine"

Brinley's POV: I smile as I look at Brian and I scoot closer him and gently bite my lip and grab his hand and hold on to it and say "I'm not sure.. I, uh...I  want to Brian. But are you sure you mean that?" and he smiles and kisses my cheek softly and hugs me close and softly sings "You always got a shoulder, any time it all goes bad, when your about to break, when your mad as hell, you can always take it out on me" and I nod and smile as he pulls me closer and pulls the blanket over us and I press my lips against his and he smiles and whispers "Just relax sweetie, you know I care about you and could never hurt you like he does"

I just kissed, Brian Kelley my best friend. Is this real? I wanted this forever. But never thought he would want this too. He has a ton of girls who always fangirl over him and they are so much more prettier than I am. I don't know why he would want me to kiss him. But something feels right and there's a little voice in my head telling me that Brian is everything I've ever wanted and needed in my life.

Brian's POV: I smile as I rub Brinley's cheek softly as I kiss her back and she lays her hand against my chest and whispers "Brian, I want you..." and hearing those words come out of her about make me freeze and I look at her and run my fingers through her hair and smile and say "Brinley, I'm not doing anything unless you are totally sure about this and not just saying it cause your drunk or you think it can heal the pain of what happened" and she leans her head against my chest and smiles up at me and whispers "Brian, I'm sure. I know what I want. I know that you could never hurt me, make me feel worthless. And I, uh.. I love you"

Those words right there were the words I'd been waiting to hear. The day I met Brinley my life changed. I'd wanted someone like her, but she's even better than my stupid made up dream girls in my mind. Brinley is the best thing to ever come into my life and I've wanted her to be mine for a long time.

Brinley's POV: I smile as I lean into Brian and softly kiss him again and look into his eyes and put his hand against my shirt over my heart so he can feel it beating fast and I whisper "I'm not going anywhere ever. I don't want to. I think I know where I belong. I was meant to be here all along. I was too scared to leave though, Brian I need you" and I pull the blanket up more and whisper "I have to tell you something though.." and I press my face against his chest, hiding it a bit and tear up some and say "I..kinda always wanted you to be the first guy I gave myself too. But...uh, Michael was it. Please don't be mad, please. I knew I shouldn't of. But he was getting mad at me and if I didn't do it, I was afraid he could of possibly hurt me again..maybe kill me"

Brian's POV: I look down at Brinley and kiss her forehead and say "Shhhh, don't be sorry sweetie. Forget about that jackass. He could of very well hurt you if you hadn't, I know that. Just think of it like this baby, it was meaningless. So just think of me being your first. I'll be gentle and loving, that's what real sex is about. But Brinley it can wait if you want that" and I smile as I kiss her softly and say "Let's rest sweetie. I'm gonna take you to the doctor tomorrow and then out to eat if you want, or you can hang out with me at the studio while I record songs with Tyler" and she nods and smiles and say's "I'd like that, sleep sounds nice. And a warm bubble bath in the morning maybe" I laugh softly and nod and whisper "I'll help you get all cleaned up tomorrow sweetie" and I kiss her cheek and whisper "Night Bri" and I feel her head on my chest and smile as she starts to close her eyes and holds onto me tightly.

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