Life's full of surprises

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Brinley's POV: After Brian and I woke up we both took a shower and got dressed and I smiled as I walked into the living room and saw him watching TV and said "I'm ready to go now" and he got up and turned the tv off and smiled as he took my hand and walked out to his truck with me. It's a nice blue chevy with big tires and an awesome sound system that he installed on his own about 4 months ago and he'd crank it up pretty loud when he'd have parties and bonfires. I smiled as I climbed up inside of it and he started it up and said "I'll take you to the urgent care clinic, that way the appointment should be pretty quick, and don't worry I'll pay Bri" I shook my head and said "Thanks Brian" and I looked outside the window as he drove to the doctor's. I had a lot on my mind and was still pretty shaken up from all that Michael did and I had been thinking about everything I had told BK.

Brian's POV: After we finally got to the urgent care clinic I pulled into a parking spot and grabbed my wallet and put it in my pocket along with my keys and I got out of the truck and shut my door and walked around to open the door for Brinley. Then we walked in together and I let go of her hand and said "You go sign in. I'll be right back Bri" and I walked to the hallway and looked around the corner and when a nurse stopped me I looked at her and said "My friend Brinley came to me last night after leaving her boyfriend. And she has a lot of scratches, bruises and cigarette burns. He, uh..abused her. I wanted to file a report. I believe she may have some slight head trauma" the nurse nodded and said "We'll file the report here and turn it into the police. We'll need to clean her up and do some xrays and a possible MRI" I looked back at Brinley sitting in a chair and said "Uhm, could I stay with her during the MRI? she had one once and nearly passed out" the nurse nodded and said "Yes you can. Could you go get her please? we'll start doing stuff right away" and I smiled and said "Thanks" and went to get Brinley.

Brinley's POV: After I got settled into a room a nurse started asking all kinds of questions and I told her all about what Michael did and told her where he would be staying and then she asked me if I'd be okay with an MRI and Xray. I nodded and said "Yeah" and then she had Brian leave the room for a minute and had me go into the bathroom and pee in a cup. I was really confused and didn't know why she wanted me to. After I finished up I returned the cup to her and she left the room and let Brian come back in.

Brian's POV: I looked over at Brinley as I walked back into the room and whispered "Hey sweetie. Doing okay?" she nodded and said "Mhm. I'm okay, just hurting a little" I kissed her forehead and said "I know the cuts hurt sweetie. But they'll be fixed up soon" and she smiled and said "I know Brian, thanks for bringing me here" and she leaned in and kissed me on the lips, I wasn't expecting that but I sure loved it. When the nurse came back she looked at Brinley and said "Uhm. Miss Greene? did you know that you're 2 months pregnant?" Brinley froze and stared at the nurse and said " No...I didn't" and tears started streaming down her cheeks. I was so shocked, and worried. I was worried for Brinley and her baby. What would Michael do if he ever found out? Fuck. I didn't even wanna think about that. I hugged Brinley tight and whispered "Shhhh, calm down. Do you wanna just go back to my place?" Brinley nodded and I looked over at the nurse and said "Can you send us home with some stuff for her cuts and burns? I'll take care of her there" the nurse shook her head and pulled me aside and said "Mr. Kelley, I can't do that? Brinley needs to be in the hospital. I called the nearest hospital and they said she can have a private room and you can stay with her night and day. She needs rest and fluids, and her burns are pretty bad" I nodded and said "Alright. Can I ride with her in the ambulance?" and she nodded.

Brinley's POV: I held Brian's hand the whole entire time we were in the ambulance and I kept trying to fall asleep but I couldn't. My mind was focused on what the nurse had told me. 2 months pregnant? What? I'm not ready for a baby. I hate Michael, I hate him, and now I'm having his baby. I leaned my head back into the pillow as I tried to keep calm and I kept my eyes fixed on Brian, he'd been looking at my stomach the whole time. I knew the news had to of hurt him. But what could I do now? would he even still feel the same about me? I looked around a bit and sighed softly then finally I started to fall asleep. Then an hour later we finally arrived to the hospital and the guys driving the ambulance took me into the hospital and up to my room and got me into the new bed. I had to admit it look pretty comfy and the room looked really pretty, I wasn't sure how long I'd be here but I was hoping not long.

Brian's POV: Finally after Brinley was settled into the room a nurse came in and got Brinley registered and started getting a bag of fluids running and hooked up to her IV and said she would do an ultrasound as soon as Brinley's cuts were cleaned and bandaged and her burns were covered with ointment and gauze. After she left the room I sat by Brinley on her bed and kissed her cheek and whispered in her ear "You'll be okay precious, and I bet the baby is okay. Please don't worry. You have time to think about things" Brinley looked up at me with tears in her eyes and said "You're not mad?" I hugged her tight and said "No not at all sweetie. I promise, and I'm gonna take care of you and that little baby if you wanna keep it" Brinley smiled and said "Thanks Brian, I'm so happy I can have you to keep me safe" I smiled as I held onto her and then she started to fall asleep.

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