Happy Family

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Brian's POV: It's been hectic lately with all the stuff going on, but Brinley has been doing wonderful. She got to come home yesterday, although baby Brian is still in the NICU we've made the best of the last few days. Next week he'll probably come home and then his doctor wants to see him for a surgery consult. I got up out of bed early to make Brinley breakfast in bed since she hasn't been able to move around too much lately due to her incision from the c-section. I fixed some eggs and bacon and some chocolate chip pancakes and orange juice and put it on a tray and carried it upstairs to the bedroom and smiled and said "Hey babygirl, good morning" and I sat down by Brinley and watched her eat her food. This weekend Tyler is coming over to help decorate the house some more with me. It's a big house and has a ton of rooms, baby Brian's nursery is a camo theme and has a bunch of musical elements in it too.

Brinley's POV: Brian has been the sweetest guy ever since I haven't been feeling all that well, he cooks and cleans and does the laundry and has gone grocery shopping for me too, which most guys wouldn't do but he's been so sweet and caring. I smiled as I finished up my breakfast and hugged Brian and said "Thanks baby, that was really good" and he took the tray downstairs and I got up out of bed to go take a bath. I grabbed some clean clothes and a towel and walked into the bathroom, when I walked in there was music playing and the lights were turned down low and the bathtub was full of warm water already and had pink rose petals in it. I couldn't believe it, he seriously has done so much for me lately.

Brian's POV: After I cleaned the dishes I walked back upstairs and smiled as I looked over into the bathroom and saw Brinley relaxing in the tub already. I walked in the bathroom and shut the door behind me and smiled and said "Mind if I join sweetie?" and I slipped off my clothes and Brinley smiled and said "I don't mind a bit" so I climbed in the tub and wrapped my arms around her. We may not be able to have sex yet, but I sure can do romantic things like this with her and just relaxing like this is even better than sex. Brinley smiled and laid her head against my chest and we talked about our future and how we wanted our wedding to be.

Brinley's POV: After the warm romantic bath Brian helped me get dressed and we both got ready to go to the hospital to visit our little man, luckily they got an open room for us to stay in the hospital a few nights with our son since we have missed him so much. I grabbed some stuff for him and put it in the baby bag and Brian carried all of the stuff out to the truck for me and helped me get in. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and stared at my wallpaper, it was a picture of my two lovely boys, they complete me and make me so very happy. Being a mommy is the most amazing feeling ever.

Brian's POV: Once we arrived to the hospital and got our parent badges after checking into the NICU the nurses helped us get settled in and talked to Brinley while I walked over to the incubator to see our son, he looked so sweet and peaceful when he was sleeping. I smiled as Brinley walked up to me and hugged me and said "He may not be your biological son, but he sure does act like you and likes his sleep just like you do" I smiled and turned around to kiss her forehead and whispered "I love you baby, and I love your son too. He's perfect baby, just like you are" Brinley smiled and teared up and hugged me and said "I love you too, and our little guy so very much. You two complete me" the nurses were starting to work on baby Brian so Brinley and I decided to lay on the couch and take a nap together.

Okay guys heres an update :) I'm sorry if it's short, but I'll update again on Thursday or Friday. What did you guys think of the update?

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