A new house and a baby on the way

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Brian's POV: It's been a few days since the doctor had called and gave me and Brinley more bad news, I felt bad hiding the news so earlier the next morning when she woke up I had told her. She was an emotional wreck at first, and I don't blame her for that, I have been too. Today Brinley and I were gonna go see the heart doctor at Children's Hospital and he would give us a tour of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, just so we knew what to expect and we'd get a little bit used to it before the baby was here. We're also going to go see our new house, but she has no clue about that since I want it to stay a surprise until we get there. I walked upstairs and saw Brinley finish getting ready I smiled over at her and said "Hey babygirl, you ready?" she nodded and said "Yep! Could you help me get my shoes on though, please babe?" I couldn't help but giggle, her belly has gotten so big now and she can't see her feet now. I grabbed her shoes and sat down beside her and put them on and tied them up really good and said "There you go baby, all done" I got up and helped pull her up slowly and I leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips and she smiled and said "Thanks baby. Let's go!"

Brinley's POV: Once we got into the truck Brian smiled as he turned the truck on and he hit play on the radio and started backing out of the driveway. We're going over to see two units of the hospital that baby Brian will be staying in after he's born. The doctor told us that he'll most likely have quite a few surgeries when he's younger, but hopefully someday that means he'll be healthy. I'm just so thankful Brian is going to be able to be there when he's born and possibly when he has surgery too. I leaned back in my seat a little bit to relax and sighed happily as I started singing along to the radio, obviously the baby liked the music and me singing along too because he was getting really active with his kicking today, but I sure didn't mind that a bit. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and smiled as I tweeted "I love my amazing fiance @playbkplay <3" I knew he'd probably reply to that later once he saw it, and probably some fans would reply to the tweet too or favorite it.

Brian's POV: Once we finally got to the hospital I pulled into the parking lot and shut off the truck and grabbed the keys and put them in my pocket. I went around to Brinley's side and smiled as I helped her out of the truck and I held onto her hand as we walked inside to the hospital. I could tell just by the way she was acting that she was nervous as hell, but who could blame her? I was nervous too, all I wanted was to know that our baby would be okay when he got here and he'd be well taken care of. Isqueezed her hand softly as we walked onto an elvator to go up to the fourth floor where the NICU and CICU were located. Once we stepped off of the elevator we walked to the NICU lobby and I smiled as we went up to the lady at the front desk and said "Hi, we're supposed to meet Dr. Hart here in just a little bit, he's gonna give us the tour of the NICU and CICU" the lady smiled back and handed us two visitor's passes and let us walk on back through the doors where the NICU was and that's where the doctor was waiting for us to meet him at.

Brinley's POV: Once the doctor introduced us to most of the staff in the NICU he had us follow him back to one of the rooms with him and showed us what everything was and explained the for the first 24-48 hours the baby would probably be on a vent to help him breathe, that really scared me at first but the doctor told us that it would help him a lot and make him breathe a lot better and his body wouldn't have to fight as hard with the extra help. He showed us where all the stuff was in the room and explained the visting hours and that we could both stay with the baby as long as we had a pass that said we were his parents, that made me feel better because I just couldn't imagine leaving him here all alone, even if the doctors and nurses would take good care of him. Brian held my hand the whole entire time we walked through the NICU and CICU and made sure I was calm about things, I really loved how supportive he was and how much he cared about me and the baby, it showed me just how amazing he was. He was gonna be the best daddy ever, I can't wait to see him and the baby together.

Brian's POV: After the tour was over the doctor had Brinley and I go into an exam room and he did an ultrasound and told us the baby looked good so far, and he'd probably be here in a few weeks which was really exciting, I just couldn't wait to finally meet the little guy and give him so much love and show him how much of a fighter he was, and how strong his mommy is too. The doctor did some blood work on Brinley and told us that if he wasn't here really soon then she would most likely need a c-section, I knew that upset Brinley a bit but whatever was best for the baby was what we would do, I wanted her to be comfortable and the baby to come out safely. Once the doctor gave us the discharge papers he told us we would get the blood work results in two to three days probably. I held onto Brinley's hand as we walked back out to the lobby and headed to the elevator so we could leave the hospital. Finally we get to go see our new house, I can't wait to see Brinley's face when she see's the house.

Brinley's POV: After we finally left the hospital Brian stopped at a Starbuck's for me and got me a frappe since I was really craving one bad, the things he does for me is so damn amazing, he spoils me like crazy and it's so sweet of him. I smiled as he came out of the Starbuck's and hopped back in the truck and said "There you go princess, a caramel frappe for you" I smiled big and said "Thank you baby!" and I sipped on it a little bit and watched as he pulled out of the parking lot and started driving down some back road, it kinda confused me a little bit cause I thought we were on our way home, and this wasn't the way home. I looked over at Brian and said "Baby, we going somewhere else?" Brian laughed softly and said "Maybe sooo...but if we are, I can't tell you" I rolled my eyes a little bit and said "Oh fine be that way" he knew I was just joking when I said that, I was so confused though. What was he up to right now? Ugh, men and their surprises!

Brian's POV: After driving for what seemed like an hour I finally spotted the house. I looked over at Brinley and said "Baby, cover your eyes. And don't open them until I say to, okay?" she laughed softly and nodded and said "Okayyyy" and she covered her eyes up. I drove a little further and pulled into the driveway of the house and shut the truck off and said "Okay, I'm gonna come and help you out, keep your eyes closed still!" I got out of the truck and walked over to her side of the truck and opened her door and slowly and gently helped her out. After I shut the door of the truck I hugged her and smiled as I said "Okay, now open your eyes babygirl!" once she uncovered her eyes she had the biggest smile ever on her face and turned to look at me and said "What?! Is this ours...?!" I nodded and said "Sure is, and we have all new furniture and the bedrooms are all decorated too, even the baby's, Tyler has been helping me get the place ready. And now it's finally done and we can move in" Brinley hugged me tightly and said "Oh baby! This is amazing than you, thank you so much. I love it" we started to walk in the door of the house when Brinley looked over at me with a concerned look and said "Uhhh...Brian...I think my water just broke..."

Okay guy's sorry I ended it there, but I wanted to a little cliffhanger, I know I'm so mean ;) lol. I hope you like the update though, and remember, comment & vote!!! please :D

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