Bad news..

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Brinley's POV: It's been a few weeks since BK and I had the little scare with the baby almost being born too soon, and just this afternoon we had been planning some details of our wedding, I've been so stressed lately, and the phone call we just got today has nearly killed me. The doctor reviewed the last ultrasound and our baby boy's heart isn't looking too well. I'd cried for hours since I was told that, and I didn't wanna believe him. I started screaming as soon as I got off the phone, Brian has done everything to help me calm down, but part of me wanted him to leave me alone. I felt bad for getting bitchy with him, but my nerves were shot and I was so upset right now that I just needed time to myself, I needed to clear my mind. I have no clue what's gonna happen when our baby arrives...will he even make it? I knew I had to try and be positive, but that wasn't easy. I grabbed my phone and got up to walk to the bathroom and I locked the door and sat down on the floor and the tears poured down even harder, I looked at the picture of the last ultrasound on my phone and whispered "Dear god...please let him live, please. I love this baby so much, Brian loves him as if it were his own son...please dog, don't take him from us. We deserve to meet this precious little boy, please let him stay with us. All I could do was cry and beg god  that our little one would be alright despite everything going on, even if he needed surgery to fix his heart.

Brian's POV: I've felt like an asshole most of the day, I should be next to Brinley holding her and comforting her, but she wanted to be alone. Even though it hurt to know she didn't want anything to do with me, I had to respect that and let her clear her mind. I needed her to understand that I'd be here for her no matter what though, and I wasn't gonna give up hope in our little boy. I layed down on the couch and turned the tv on to some cartoons and grabbed my cell phone and texted Tyler "Hey man, Bri is taking things rough, we got a call that the baby isn't doing so well. She doesn't want me around her right now, and she's done nothing but cry and yell all day...I feel like a shitty fiance for leaving her alone during this" I didn't expect a text back since Tyler was probably out at the gym for the day, but I just needed to get things off my mind, I was driving myself insane just thinking about it all, it was killing me and making my heart hurt so bad for Bri.

Brinley's POV: I sighed softly as I wiped some tears away from my eyes and looked at the ultrasound photo again on my phone and whispered "I love you baby boy, and so does your daddy, we know you'll be a fighter. You're my lil miracle boy, you've made mommy's life so much better ever since I found out you were in my tummy, fight on little guy..I know you can do this, you're a tough boy like daddy is. We love you so very much" I pulled myself up off the bathroom floor gently and walked out of the bathroom and decided to go downstairs. When I got to the bottom step I looked over at Brian, he was asleep on the couch and the tv was on, he'd been watching cartoons, like he usually does. I smiled as I went over to sit down beside him and I gently kissed his cheek and whispered in his ear "I love you Brian, I'm so sorry for being such a bitch to you earlier, I shouldn't of yelled at you like I did, none of this is yourfault. I love you, so very much" Brian opened up his eyes a litle bit and smiled as he looked up at me and put his hand against my cheek and kissed me and whispered "Shhhh, babygirl. Don't be sorry, you have every right to be upset and you needed to clear your mind, I understood that. I'm just happy you're here with me now" and he pulled me into his arms gently and put his hands on my tummy and whispered "I know our little guy can do this, he'll be a fighter. He's gonna do so well when he gets here, don't you worry sweetheart. I'm here now"

Brian's POV: Once Brinley was back in my arms I was happier than ever, this was right where she needed to be all along. I know she needed to have some time to herself, but every moment I'm without her it feels like eternity and I'm just not happy when she isn't right beside me. I smiled as I held her close and I felt the baby kicking my hand a few times and I said "He has such a strong kick, he's trying to prove how tough he is" Brinley nodded and said "I think you're right, he's tougher than we know, he'll do just fine. I can't wait to meet him, I bet he'll be so cute" I nodded and kissed her cheek and said "He'll be such an adorable little baby boy, and I'm gonna do my best to be a good daddy to him, he's got me wrapped around his finger already, and he isn't even born yet" Brinley smiled as she wrapped her arms around me and put her head against my chest and sighed happily and whispered "I can't than you enough for all that you've done for me Brian, you've turned my life around so much. I can't wait to be Mrs. Kelley, waking up beside you everyday is just the most amazing thing ever, and I hope we'll have a big family one day. I love you so very much, and I always will.

Brian's POV: After Brinley and I cuddled and made out on the couch a little bit she had fell asleep on the couch while we were watching a movie and I covered her up with a blanket and watched more tv while I held her in my arms, I was a little bit tired but had too much on my mind to sleep at the moment. I had so many thoughts about the baby, the wedding plans, and our future together I had zoned out a bit, but then the phone rang. Luckily it didn't wake Brinley up, she was so sleepy and she really needed all the rest she could get right now. I picked it up and said "Hello?" and then my heart sank when we got even more bad news. The doctor said he was afraid the baby would need a heart transplant at 8 months old. How in the world was I supposed to explain this to Brinley...? she's way too upset right now, I can't just wake her up and tell her that our son will need a major surgery. But not telling her would hurt me so bad, I needed to make a choice, and soon. I wiped a tear away from my eye and thanked the doctor for explaining things and hung up the phone. I couldn't do anything but tear up, my heart was aching so bad right now. I had no idea what to do.

Okay guys, I know it's short, but I promise the next chapter will be longer, and better! But what did you think of this? What should Brian do? Did he make a mistake by not waking Brinley and telling her, or should he wait a little bit? 

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