Coming Home

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Brian's POV: It's been about a month since our little one was born and had to stay in the nicu, he had his first hear surgery around two weeks old and did really well and now finally gets to come home. It's been hard having a baby with a heart condition and learning to give him medicines and stuff but honestly I love him so much and Brinley and I are such proud parents to our little man. I grabbed Brian up out of the nicu bed and placed him in his carseat gently and smiled and said "Hey little man, mommy doesn't know you get to come home today so we're gonna surprise her" I told Brinley I had to go to the grocery store so she wouldn't ask where I was heading to, but I just can't wait to get home and surprise her and show her how strong our little boy is and how much he's grown in the past week, she's been busy finishing up school and really hasn't been able to make it to the hospital much but I would always send her pictures or FaceTime with her so she could see our little guy.

On the way home I stopped by the store to get some stuff for our little guy and some sweets for Brinley since she's had weird cravings for chocolate lately.

Brinley's POV: After I finished a paper and four quizzes I turned my laptop off and texted Brian and said "I miss you baby <3" and I headed upstairs to get a shower real quick and then to make dinner. I decided to make steak, potatoes and mac n cheese since BK really loves when I make those three things. While cooking I turned the radio on and smiled as I heard Cruise come on, I really couldn't be more proud of BK and Tyler and all that they've done. I sang along to the song and lit some candles in the house, it was going to smell so good in here when he got home and I know he'll love it so much. Lately we've talked more and more about wedding plans and possibly having another baby later on when baby Brian is about one or two years old.

Brian's POV: Once I got home I got Brian out of the carseat and grabbed his bag and quitly walked up the porch stairs and entered the house and I smiled as I saw Brinley in the kitchen cooking and I snuck up behind her and said "Surprise..." and she turned around and started crying as soon as she saw me holding our little guy. She smiled big and hugged me and said "Brian... Oh my gosh, baby" and she smiled as she kissed me and took our son into her arms and I watched as she held him and started to tear up and I grabbed my phone and took a picture. Finally our little man was home, we could be a family together at home.

Brinley's POV: After I fed baby Brian a bottle I took him upstairs to change him and put some night clothes on him and lay him down for bed, our little boy was finally home laying in his own crib where he looked so peaceful and happy. After putting him to bed Brian and I ate dinner together and watched some tv. I was just so happy to have my two sweet boys home with me and we could spend night and day with our little man. He still has a lot of health issues, but he is a very strong boy.

Brian's POV: After dinner and watching movies Brinley and I went upstairs and changed into some comfortable clothes and got in bed and I pulled her close to me and smiled as she layed her head on my chest and I ran my fingers through her hair and kissed her softly and whispered in her ear "I love you babygirl" I could see she was tired cause she started falling asleep and I was a bit tired too. I have asked Tyler to babysit for us next week so Brinley and I can have some alone time, and make some plans for our wedding.

I hope you guys like this update :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2014 ⏰

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