Going home.

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Brinley's POV: After spending five weeks in the hospital I was finally able to leave the hospital today, Brian was back at his house getting stuff ready for me to come home and a change of clothes. I smiled as my phone buzzed with a message from Brian, it said "Hey babygirl. I'll be there at 1pm to get you. The nurse let me sign the release forms for you and gave me a list of things to get for you. See you soon sweetie<3 Rest for now :)" I replied back to Brian and then set the phone back down and grabbed my drink off the table by my bed and sipped some of it. Lately things have been great with me and Brian, I haven't told him yet that Michael had text me three days ago asking where I was. I just deleted the message and erased his number. I'm terrified he'll find me though and hurt me again. I grabbed the baby blanket out of the bag that Brian had got for the baby and I held it close to me and started thinking to myself. I want the baby so bad. I can't see getting rid of it, but truth is I can't see myself being a mom. I'm not that good with kids, and part of me hates that it's Michael's baby, actually all of me does. I know it sounds bad, I don't really hate the baby, just Michael. But what if it looks like him? Tears run down my cheeks and sting my eyes as I quietly cry, hoping nobody will hear me. I look down at the ultrasound picture and sigh softly, what am I gonna do? Would I even make a good mommy? I lean back into the pillow and close my eyes as I try to rest a bit and relax.

Brian's POV: After I jump out of the shower I smile as I look down at my phone and see a reply from Brinley and I grabbed my blue jeans from nearby and put them on and I pulled on my George Strait tshirt and sprayed on a bit of cologne, it had an outdoorsy smell to it. I grabbed the bags of clothes I'd bought for Brinley and finished cleaning up the room so it would look nice. I grabbed the truck keys off of my bed and walked downstairs to grab a few other things for Brinley. I smiled as I texted her "Hey babe :) Be there to pick you up soon, stopping at the Pharmacy first. <3" I hopped in my truck and started it up and let it warm up a bit, the air was a little chilly today so the truck needed the heat on for sure. I pulled out of my driveway and turned on the radio. The nurse told me to pick up Tylenol, Prenatal Vitamins, Bandages and Ointment, and a lot of nutrional foods for Brinley so the baby could grow to be healthy. I know Brinley has been worrying some about being a mom, but honestly I have no doubt that she'll be an amazing mother, and I want nothing more than to be with her forever and be the baby's father, even if we're not blood relation. The baby has already captured my heart, like Brinley has and I love them both.

Brinley's POV: Once I finally woke up from my nap I saw a vase on the table near me, it was filled with red and pink roses and I looked over at the couch over on the other side of the room and saw Brian sitting there. I smiled and said "Hey, when did you get here?" he smiled and said "Just a lil bit ago, the nurse said I could wait for you to wake up before we left" and he set down a bag of clothes and helped me up to the bathroom so I could change into my clothes. After I walked out I looked at Brian and hugged him tight and said "Can we watch tv when we get to the house, and make a pizza? I'm really hungry right now" Brian nodded and said "Yes sweetie. Now set down and I'll get the nurse to let her know we're leaving" I smiled and said "Okay" and I picked up my phone and scrolled through my messages. I saw one from my mom. I looked down at my stomach and started crying. How the hell was I supposed to tell her I was pregnant? I'd promised I'd never have sex till I was married, and now here I am almost 3 months pregnant and I've already told Brian I wanted to sleep with him. She will hate me when she finds out. I sighed softly and mumbled softly "I hope I make the right choices" at this point I really was confused as to what I should do. I picked my phone back up and replied "Mama, I need to talk to you. Call me later. Please, I love you" I put my phone in my pants pocket and wiped my tears before Brian walked back into the room.

Brian's POV: As I walked back in the room I smiled and said "Bri, we're all ready to leave. I got the things in the truck" I smiled as she looked up at me and said "Yay! I can't wait to get home and relax" I grabbed her hand and held her close to me as we walked out and headed downstairs. I had everything from the Pharmacy that the nurse had told me to buy for Brinley and I'd got some of her favorite snacks since she's really craving a ton of food right now. Once we got out to the truck I opened her door and smiled as I helped her in her seat and said "I set up an appointment with a doctor for your next ultrasound, they said we may be able to find out the baby's gender then. And they'll run tests for any medical conditions" I looked up at Brinley and brushed some hair out of her face and saw tears in her eyes and whispered "What's wrong sweetie?"

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