Sweet little boy..welcome to the world

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Brian's POV: I looked over at Brinley and said "Oh shit! Are you sure Bri?" Oh boy, this baby wanted out fast. Brinley nodded yess and yelled at me and said "You call the dr now, please Brian!" so I helped her back to the truck and called the doctor and he told me to meet him at the hospital, Brinley was most likely going to need a c-section just to make sure the baby wasn't stressed and his heart wasn't affected by the delivery. I set my phone down and started the truck up and said "Hold on babygirl, we'll be there soon" and then I backed out of the driveway, yeah I was pretty bummed she didn't get to see the house, but it'll happen soon. I couldn't get the baby off of my mind the whole way to the hospital, wow...thia was really happening, I would be a father soon. Even if he isn't my biological son, I loved him more than words could ever explain, he means so much to me and I can't wait to finally see my sweet little man and better yet, I can't wait till I can hold him and give him lots of love and cuddles. I couldn't believe this was finally happening, after waiting so long me and Brinley we're finally about to be parents. 

 We pulled into the hospital and I went around to Brinley's side and got her out of the truck and shut the door and carried her inside the hospital and went to the front desk and said "Hi, I need to get my fiance checked in, her water broke" a nurse quickly found a wheelchair that Brinley could sit in and put an ID band on us both and the doctor came out and said what the plan would be, for now they would get Brinley into a room and on IV fluids and check how the baby was and decide when was the right time to do the c-section, I was hoping he would say it would be done soon. I honestly couldn't wait any longer to meet our son, my mind was racing with so many happy thoughts right now, I wanted to see our little boy finally.

 Brinley's POV: Once I was in a room and had a hospital gown on and was hooked up to IV fluids and pain medication Brian sat down beside me and helped relax my mind and find ways to make me smile, the pain wasn't too bad right now and the doctor told us that he'd probably perform the c-section in about an hour they just had to make sure the OR and NICU were ready and there was enough staff on hand to assist in whatever he needed help with. I was feeling okay about the c-section, I just really wanted to meet our little boy already and get the operation over with, I knew I'd be super sore after but this would be worth it. We finally will get to meet our little boy and give him lots of love and help make him grow so much stronger, our little boy is such a fighter already.

 Brian's POV: After waiting an hour for the OR and NICU to be prepped the surgeon and NICU team came into Brinley's room and explained what all would happen, Brinley was a little scared but I squeezed her hand softly and whispered "It'll be alright babygirl, our boy will be fine with such wonderful doctors and nurses" I kissed her forehead softly and got changed into a pair of scrubs that I'd have to wear while in the OR with Brinley. After I got them on I walked out of the bathroom and the doctor started pushing Brinley's bed out of her room and we made our way to the OR, this was it. I was almost going to be a daddy, just a few more minutes and our little man would be here, I couldn't help but tear up a bit. The doctor had me wait outside of the OR while they put Brinley on the table and got everything ready. I looked in through the glass window and a nurse motioned for me, I walked inside and sat down on a chair next to Brinley, she was laid out on the table with so many things hooked up to her and she had a tight grip on my hand which I didn't mind that honestly.

Brinley's POV: The nurse next to me put an oxygen mask on me since I was breathing kind of funny and my heartrate kept slowing down a little and she said "Alright hunny, the surgeon is ready. He's gonna make the incision now, you'll just feel a bit of presure once he starts to get the baby out, he'll be done in just a few and it'll be over before you know it sweetie" I didn't really mind if it took a little bit, as long as the doctors did what they needed to do so the baby wouldn't be too stressed. After a few minutes of feeling some pressure and a little bit of a tingly feeling I heard the doctor go "Awwww" and he said to Brian "Congrats daddy, baby is here!" and Brian and I smiled big when we heard a loud cry and we both started tearing up too. Brian got up to go see him and take pictures and the NICU team got right to work while the surgeon told me he was closing up the incision and said I'd be back in my room soon, Two nurses told Brian everything they were hooking the baby up to and for what reason and then the nurse standing next to me who was hooking my IV to another bag of fluids smiled down at me and said "Congrats mommy, he looks beautiful. What's his name?" I smiled big and looked over at Brian and said "His name is, Brian Everette Kelley" Brian turned to look at me and he got a big smile and said "What...? Brian? That's why you never told me his first name...Oh babygirl, thank you"

Brian's POV: Shortly after Brinley was back in her room and asleep a nurse came in the room and told me I could go see Brian and hold him, we weren't exactly sure how bad his heart was yet but he had been struggling a bit so they intubated him and have had him on a ton of IV fluids and other things and he's being tube fed for right now. When the nurse led me into the room and I sat down she helped get him in my arms and arranged his breathing tube around so it wouldn't move too much and she said "Tomorrow he'll go down for a heart cath to look at his heart, mommy and baby will be in the hospital for at least a week or more" I grasped his tiny hand gently and whispered "Hey little man, I'm so happy to finally meet you. You're such a fighter, like you're mommy is, I'm proud of you both. I love you little guy" Everything I'd just said was the whole truth, I was so in love with Brinley and our little man Brian, wow I still couldn't believe he was named after me. Life honestly couldn't get any more perfect, I have the best little family I could ever ask for and the best career ever, and Tyler is my best friend. I love life and the people in my life.

Okay guys, here is an update. Sorry for the wait, it's been a hard week. I lost a very very close friend on March 2nd and I'd lost all motivation to write for a few days, but today I figured I would update a story so here is the update, what do you think?! do you like it? :) 

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