Baby, Oh baby.

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Brinley's POV: After I woke up the next day I relaxed against my pillow and I sighed softly as I looked at Brian. He was still in the bed with me, laying his head on my stomach and his arms wrapped around me. I smiled as I watched him sleep and gently ran my fingers through his hair and whispered "You're too amazing" as I woke up more I saw bandages all over me and I was happy for that, finally they cuts and burns could start to heal better. I looked over at the nurse who walked into my room and said "Was he here all night?" and I pointed down to Brian who was still sleeping. She smiled and said "He sure was. He was going on and on about the baby, and you" I smiled as my heart started beating more and said "He's my best friend. He's letting me live with him till he knows I'll be safe on my own. I like him a lot though" the nurse smiled and started hooking some stuff up and said "I heard. He told me last night. Said he wants to keep you and the baby safe, and he loves you" I looked at Brian and sighed happily and softly whispered "I love you too Brian. More than you know"

Brian's POV: When I started to wake up I rubbed my eyes a bit and looked at the clock on the wall and it said 2pm. I looked up to see Brinley staring down at me and I smiled and said "Good morning. Well uh afternoon I mean" and laughed softly and said "Guess I wanted more sleep than I thought I did" Brinley smiled and pulled me close for a hug and whispered "Brian, I wanna keep the baby. I know I can be a good mom. I'm just kinda scared that Michael would try to kill me or the baby if he ever finds out" I looked at her and nodded and said "I know sweetie. But believe me, I will protect you and that little baby" and I smiled as I placed my hand on her stomach and looked into her eyes and said "Bri, I love that little baby already. And I love you too. I know you have tons of things to think about. But Brinley Madison Greene, would you be my girlfriend?"

Brinley's POV: I smiled and teared up when I listened to what Brian just asked me and I shook my head and said "Yes, a million times yes Brian. I can't even explain how happy you just made me...this is like my dream come true" Brian smiled and cuddled close to me and rubbed my tummy and said "You've dreamed about me asking you to be my girlfriend. Oh I shoulda known. Silly me" and I laughed softly and kissed Brinley's cheek softly

Brian's POV: After Brinley napped for a bit a nurse came in with more fluids and said "Brinley, we set up an ultrasound for 5pm. A lady will come up to take you to the ultrasound room soon, and your welcome to go with her Mr. Kelley" I nodded and said "Thank you" and sat down by Brinley after the nurse left the room and smiled and said "You ready to see that little one soon?" Brinley's eyes were filled with tears and she smiled and said "I can't wait" I leaned my head against her shoulder and rubbed her stomach and said "Whenever you wanna order lunch, let me know. I'll call down and order for you" and I grabbed the TV remote and turned on the TV so we could watch some cartoons together.

*A few hours later*

Brinley's POV: I smiled as I looked at Brian and said "I wish we could be back at your place, I hate the hospital. It's so boring here" Brian smiled as he leaned against me and put his arms around me and said "I know sweetie. I hope I can take you home soon, I also wanna take you to the CMA awards, as my date. Would you like that babe?" I looked at him and smiled big as tears fell down my cheeks and I nodded and said "Yes of course! I'd love that Brian. Are you and Tyler performing that night?" he smiled and nodded and said "Yep! We get two songs that night. And we're up for five awards" I smiled and hugged him tightly.

Brian's POV: I leaned against Brinley and smiled as I looked at her and said "You ready to see that little baby? it's almost time for the ultrasound" Brinley smiled and looked down at her stomach and said "Of course! I can't wait. It's so weird knowing a little tiny human being is growing inside of me" I smiled as I looked at Brinley and said "It'll be even better when you find out the baby's gender and he or she starts kicking" and I leaned down and kissed her stomach and said "I bet the baby will be so much like you" and Brinley laughed softly and said "If it's a girl she's gonna love shopping like her mommy, and if it's a boy I bet he'll be just as tough as I am" I nodded and said "I agree with that. Bri I'm gonna go down to the gift shop, you want anything?" she nodded and said "Yeah, a candy bar please, and maybe a balloon" I smiled and said "Alright baby, I'll be back in just a few minutes. Text me if you need anything" and I kissed her cheek and got up and left the room to go downstairs to the gift shop.

Brinley's POV: I smiled as I looked around my room and turned back to look at the TV and I pulled the blankets up over me and closed my eyes a bit. I figured a nap would be good since I was pretty tired and the ultrasound would be in an hour so I had time to rest. I grabbed a couple of pillows and put them behind my head and relaxed as I got comfy and started to fall asleep.

Brian's POV: After I stepped off of the elevator I took my phone out of my pocket and texted Tyler "Put Bri on the guest list for the awards show man, She's coming as my date :) I'll tell you more later" I put my phone back into my pocket and walked into the gift shop and started to look around some. I smiled as I spotted a few get well soon balloons and I grabbed one with a bear on it and I picked up Bri's favorite candy bar, Hershey's Cookies 'N' Creme and I grabbed a card and I looked at the baby stuff and smiled a bit as I stood there and looked and I started thinking to myself a bit. Then I heard a voice say "You a new daddy?" I shook my head and looked over at the guy standing by me and said "Nope. My best friend, well my girlfriend now is here in the hospital. Her ex abused her, and he's the dad. She's only two months. But I'm uh, letting her live with me. I'm in love with her" the man smiled and said "So you wanna make her your wife someday, and take care of the baby as if it were yours?" I nodded and said "Yeah pretty much so. I've known her since ninth grade, she's finishing college soon. And after that I wanna ask her to marry me, I don't wanna rush it. She needs time to heal" the man smiled and started to turn away to leave and said "You'll know when it's the right time. Take care of her and that little one" and he started walking out. As I started to walk to the front of the gift shop to purchase the stuff I picked up I grabbed a small baby blanket and walked up to pay for the stuff. After paying for the stuff I looked down into the bag at the baby blanket and smiled. I wasn't sure what this warm feeling was in my heart, but something inside me told me it was love for Brinley and the baby. No I wasn't gonna be the baby's biological father. But I knew in my heart that I could love the baby as if it were my own, and someday I wanted a baby with Brinley, two kids seemed good for me and I'm sure Brinley would agree, two would be just fine.

Brinley's POV: After napping for awhile I woke up and changed the channel on the TV to watch cartoons and I looked over at the door as it opened and I smiled as Brian walked in and said "Hey! I missed you" and I looked at the bag of stuff and balloon he had in his hand and said "Awwww! for me?" Brian nodded and said "Yup, and on the way back to the room I saw your nurse and had her order some food and drinks for us" I smiled and said "Thank you! We can eat after the ultrasound, it should be in just a few minutes" Brian smiled and sat on the bed with me and said "I'm excited for it. And how are you feeling baby?" I smiled and said "Fine. Just in a little bit of pain" and I leaned against Brian and whispered "I can't wait till the nurses stop checking on me so much. Then we can cuddle in the bed together" Brian smiled and kissed me and said "Me neither sweetie, I wanna fall asleep beside you tonight"

Brian's POV: After we watched TV together for awhile a nurse finally came in the room and said Brinley Greene? I'm here to take you to Ultrasound" I smiled as Brinley held onto my hand and the nurse started to pull Brinley's bed out of the room and then started leading the bed down the hallway and turned the corner and put the bed by the wall and said "The ultrasound room is just down this hall, the nurse will be out in just a few minutes and take you into the room" after waiting in the hallway with Brinley for awhile a nurse finally walked out and said "Brinley Madison Greene? here for an ultrasound?" Brinley shook her head and said "Yes" and the nurse walked over and started pushing her bed into the room and flicked off the lights and said "We'll take a look at the baby and then I'll send the pictures to the doctor and take you back upstairs" after Brinley's bed was locked in place and the nurse started the ultrasound Brinley held onto my hand and smiled as she kissed my cheek and we looked at the screen as we looked at it and tears started forming in my eyes, it was still hard to see the baby well but it was the best moment I'd ever shared with Brinley. I looked at hwr happily and whispered "Brinley, this is amazing. I already love that little one so very much. I promise I'll take care of you and that baby"

Brinley's POV: When we finally got back to the room the nurse hooked up a new bag of IV fluids and put some medicine through my IV and then Brian and I watched a movie together laying beside each other in the bed and I sighed happily as I held onto his hand and we started to fall asleep together. There I was laying in his arms and it was the best feeling ever, other than seeing the baby.

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