Surprises, and a little scare..

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Okay guys I wanted to jump ahead just a little bit, hope you don't mind :) oh and enjoy the chapter okay!!! and remember to vote/comment after reading it, I love you all!

Brinley's POV: I smiled as I woke up next to Brian and he said "Hey sweetie, how about you go get dressed all pretty? I have something I wanna do today babygirl" I smiled and said "Sounds good to me love" and I got up out of bed and went to look through my clothes for something pretty to put on, it's kinda hard to find a nice dress when your eight months pregnant and your belly looks huge. But Brian seems to love anything I put on. I grabbed a short black dress and walked into the bathroom to change into it and started grabbing some makeup to put on and I grabbed my phone to look through my messages a little bit while I did my makeup and hair.

Brian's POV: After Brinley got up and went to get dressed I grabbed some black pants and a nice dress shirt and slipped them on and grabbed my phone and dialed Tyler's number and looked around the bedroom for the ring box that I had hidden from Brinley for the last two and a half weeks, I was so ready to surprise her and make her my fiance. When Tyler answered I smiled and said "Hey man, the place all ready to go?" Tyler laughed and said "Yup all ready! She's gonna love it, you'll be here soon, right?" I smiled and said "Yup, I'm dressed, and waiting on Bri, then I'll drive over there with her" after we talked a little more I decided to get off the phone before Brinley heard our conversation. I couldn't wait till Brinley saw the place, Tyler went out to the lake earlier and set up some candles around it and helped put up the banner I made that had Brinley's name on it and pretty pink diamonds and there would be a spotlight shining on the area we we were going to stand.

 Brinley's POV: After I finished my hair and makeup I walked into the bedroom and put on my favorite pink boots and I grabbed my purse and said "Alright baby, I'm all ready" Brian smiled has he led me out to the truck and he helped me get in my seat and buckle up and he went around to get in on his side and started the truck up and pulled out of the driveway. I'm kind of curious as to why he wasnted me to dress up, but I didn't think about it too much, I never know what he's up to and he's always finding ways to surprise me and make me really happy. As he drove down the highway I sang along to the radio a little bit and smiled as I relaxed in my seat and I could feel the baby kicking, which lately he kicks a lot and he'll keep me up at night, but I really don't mind, he's my precious little boy and I'm so happy to be his mommy, and Brian has been so happy that he kicks more often now.

Brian's POV: After about an hour of driving through heavy traffic I finally spotted the sign leading to the old road that was closed off about two years ago, and nobody really knew about the place that it leads back to, which is an old abandoned drive-in movie theater, half the people in this town forgot that those kind of things ever exsisted. Luckily I knew the guy who used to run it and since it's by the lake that's where I'm gonna park the tuck and we'll eat a meal in the truck bed and cuddle while we watch the movie. As I pulled down the drive I smiled as I saw Brinley's eyes light up and tears forming in her eyes and she said "Brian...did you do all of this?" I nodded and said "It was all my idea, plus Ty helped me out a little bit, so you'll have to thank him too babygirl" she smiled more and said "This is just beautiful baby!"

Brinley's POV: After Brian finally set things up for our little picnic in the truck bed, he helped me climb up in and sit down and gave me a pillow to lean against since my back had been hurting a lot throughout the day. I took my sandwhich from him and started eating some of it and smiled and said "Ooh this is yummy, thanks baby!" and we ate our food together and watched the sunset from where we were in the truck bed. It was just so perfect, and I couldn't believe he'd done this all for me and even had Tyler help a little, they are two of the sweetest guys ever and I'm lucky to have Brian as my boyfriend, and Tyler as a big brother to me pretty much.

Brian's POV: After the sunset and we finished watching "The Notebook" together on the big screen I helped Brinley out of the truck and whispered "Come with me, I have one other surprise sweetheart, and I really hope you'll love this even more" as I held her hand and led her through the darkness of the field we walked up to the lake that was surronded by beautiful candles and rose petals and the spotlight and I got down on one knee and looked up at her and put one hand on her tummy and said "Brinley Madison Greene, I've loved you since the day I met you, and you know that. I've had the strongest feelins for you since the time we laid eyes on each other, and I couldn't ever get my mind off you. Now that you're mine, I never ever want to lose you sweet girl. I'd be nothing without you sweetie, and you know that. I want to be the best husband and father ever, Brinley, will you marry me?" and I smiled as I opened up the box revealing the ring I'd gotten for her and Brinley started crying and said "Yes Brian, yes" and I got up and pulled her close for a hug and kiss and whispered "Oh baby, you just made me the happiest man ever by saying yes. I love you Bri, I always will"

 Brinley's POV: I hugged Brian tightly and kissed him again, then my eyes started fill up with tears when I felt something wet running down my leg and I looked down and noticed blood running down my leg and said "Brian! call 911, please" and he quickly pulled his phone out and called 911 and I could feel him squeezing my hand and whispering "Baby, it'll be okay. Stay calm" but I was getting too dizzy too understand what was happening and I was too scared of what might happen to the baby. What was happening? Why did this have to happen? I couldn't understand why this was happening or if the baby would be okay, I was scared for my life and the baby's.

Brian's POV: Shortly after the ambulance arrived they loaded Brinley up and started giving her fluids and a blood transfusion right away and had me sign a paper allowing them to giving her some medicine, they said they needed to stop the baby from  coming too early so I quickly signed the paper and called Tyler to have him come over right away and get my truck and take it back to my place for me. I hopped up in the ambulance beside Brinley and set down by her and held onto her hand and kissed her forehead softly and whispered "You'll be okay sweet girl, I promise" I was close to crying, but Brinley was still a little alert and I didn't want her to see me crying or she'd be worried about me and get a little stressed, and that's the last thing her and the baby needs. I held her hand the whole entire ride to the hospital and kept talking to her.

Brinley's POV: After I had got a blood transfusion I was a little less dizzy and my heartrate came down and I finally noticed I was now in my own hospital room with Brian laying in the bed next to me. A really pretty young blonde nurse walked in and said "Oh great, you're awake! We got the test results back, and baby is fine. But you are high risk, and seem to have a risk of easily bleeding, so we would like to keep you a few weeks. I was just about to hook up more fluids and meds, the dr put you on TPN feedings since the baby seems a little underweight" I nodded and leaned against Brian a little bit and tried to take in everything the nurse had said and I had so many thoughts about the baby, and what Brian was probably going through, I could only imagine how scared he was. I wanted to wake him and let him know I was alright, but he looked like he was really sleepy so I decided I'd just rest myself. I turned the TV on to watch cartoons for a bit, and I couldn't stop smiling as I looked at my engagement ring. Today was scary in the end, but I couldn't be more happy to be engaged to Brian, and knowing our baby is safe makes me a whole lot happier. After watching some cartoons my nurse gave me a dose of meds to help me rest and then I soon fell asleep with my arms around Brian and my head on his chest.

Alright guys, so theres my update!!! :D sorry it took a few days to get one, but I've been having so much pain lately so it's hard to stay focused when writing, but I really hope you liked it, give me your feedback! and remember to vote! and what do you think might happen next?

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